These operating instructions to be read in conjunction with the Owners Manual.
3. Never place any bodily part into the path of any
mechanical piece whilst any machine is in motion or
likely to be so.
4. The machine must be properly installed and securely
fixed to its mounting so to ensure it is stable and cannot
5. Assume at all times that a clay target launcher is cocked
or loaded and so ready to fire and treat it accordingly.
6. Never approach any machine from the front or sides.
Approach only from behind.
7. ALWAYS disarm ALL machines before carrying out
reloading or adjustment.
8. Reloading with clays should be carried out from the rear
of the machines.
9. Re-arm/cock machines only when all personnel are either
behind or at a safe distance away.
10. Ensure that the machine is sited in a way that will prevent
people from being struck by either the clay in flight, or
broken pieces of clay being ejected from the machine.
11. Never allow members of the public or untrained
personnel to approach or touch the machine.
12. Be aware of the fall zone of both broken and unbroken
clays and that changes in wind direction will affect this.
13. Never move a cocked/loaded machine. Disarm the
machine and make safe.
Warning: Never move an
armed/loaded machine. Always disarm.
14. It is advisable to remove the main throwing spring before
Transport (Mandatory for Hawk and Superhawk).