While connecting multiple batteries, use the same brand/type for all batteries. Do not mix the battery bank with different brand/type of
The user may connect the batteries in series in order to double the voltage connected to inverter. The diagram below illustrate how to connect two
12V batteries in series to make up 24V (for 3000VA model) and four 12V batteries in series to make up 48V (for 5000VA model)
PV (solar) string
Selection of PV Panel
PV string is a connection of PV panels whose output voltage and current vary under different illumination. And just like battery, the PV panel can be
connected in either series or parallel as per needed. Please consult the supplier or PV panel so that the operational voltage and current fall within the
allowed range of the inverter as set out in the specification.
Please do not use PV panel which requires one terminal connected to ground (e.g. thin-film panel)