A freezer is recommended but not mandatory for easy part removal. If you decide to include a freezer as part of your post processing equipment
ensure that it will accommodate the maximum build size of 12” x 6” x 8” (L x W x H). Any standard freezer capable of accommodating this size will
be su cient.
Material Storage
VisiJet® part and VisiJet® support materials should be stored in a conveniently located storage cabinet in proximity to the printer. A cabinet is
recommended to protect against long term exposure to external UV light sources, including sunlight, overhead lighting, or other UV light sources.
Storage temperature of the material should not exceed the speci ed maximum of 35°C (95°F). VisiJet® part material should be stored away from
strong oxidizing agents, such as hydrogen peroxide, bromine, or chromic acid.
NOTE: When storing material cartridges that have been used but still have materials in the cartridges, do not lay the cartridges on their side in
storage. Store box with side spacers installed. *DO NOT rest on nose of cartridge. Also, in the case where used cartridges with materials are
removed from the MDM and are still warm, it must be stored with the cap vented. If the warm cartridge is not vented, the wax will contract during
cooling and the cartridge's bottom may become at which will prevent re-engagement in the MDM.
More detailed information on the VisiJet® build material and VisiJet support material, relevant applicable safety precautions and remediation, and
speci c storage and disposal requirements, can be found in the Global Harmonized Standards / Safety Data Sheets (GHS/MSDS). Your
organizations' Facilities Manager (or equivalent) should maintain a copy of the two GHS/MSDS documents, and provide ready, convenient access to
these documents. To obtain the VisiJet® material GHS/MSDS from 3D Systems, go to
. If further
information is needed, please contact 3D Systems' Customer Hotline within the U.S. at (800) 793-3669 (or from outside the U.S.A. at +49 (0) 6151
357357), or by visiting 3D Systems’ website.
Material Cartridge Disposal
Used part material cartridges must be disposed of in a manner consistent with local and other applicable laws and regulations governing such
materials. Refer to the VisiJet® materials' GHS/SDS Global Harmonized Standards/Safety Data Sheets prior to shipment of the printer. Discuss your
organization's methods for disposing or recycling of such material with your facilities manager, or for more information, contact 3D Systems'
Customer Support Hotline.