When start the heater,turning the temperature control in clockwise slowly to
terminal,the unit starts the fan first then star the heating element.
When close the heater,turning the temperature control in anticlockwise slowly
to off,the unit close the heating element first then close the fan.
Warning: This appliance must be grounded!
Warning: The appliance must connect to a current protection circuit or device at 50Amp or less
before being connected to power supply!
1. Remove the screw from the front of the unit to connect the power to the heater.
2. Attach the cable connectors to the unit (See
Figure 6
) and slide the 10-gauge wire through the
cable connector.
NOTE: All wiring must be carried out by a Certified Electrician and must be in accordance to
national and local electrical codes in the United States. For certain applications, conduit may be