ZCC2087 - Manual
24. August 2021
© Copyright 2021, PROCEQ SA
6 Handling of the ZCC2087
6.1 Handling according to DIN EN ISO2409
Hold the cross-cut tester only at the handle.
The flexible cutting head should always move freely.
Never use your other hand or finger of the leading hand to add additional pressure to the
cutting head during testing.
Always pull the cross-cut tester, never push it.
If the panel is made of wood or a similar material, apply the cuts with an angle of 45° to
the direction of the grain.
Place the conditioned test panels on a rigid, flat surface to prevent any deformation of
the panel during the test.
Carry out the test at a temperature 23 ± 2 °C and relative humidity of 50 ± 5 %.
Hold the ZCC 2087 with the blade vertical to the test panel surface.
Make two successive cuts, the second cut crossing the original one at 90°, generating a
lattice pattern. All cuts shall penetrate the coating completely down to the substrate
surface. The indentation depth into the substrate should be as low as possible.
Remove any loose particles from the area of cutting. For suitable methods refer to
chapter 6.1.1
Carefully examine the cross-cut area and compare it with the classification table in order
to determine the cross-cut value.
Test at least on three areas on the panel.
Issue a test report.
Cutting direction