ZCC2087 - Manual
24. August 2021
© Copyright 2021, PROCEQ SA
6.1.1 Removing loose particles
According to the informative Annex A of the DIN EN ISO 2409 the following three methods
are suitable for removing loose particles:
Brush the panel lightly using a soft brush several times backwards and forwards along
the diagonals of the lattice pattern.
Adhesive tape
Remove two complete laps of tape and discard.
Remove an additional length at a steady (that is not jerked) rate and cut a piece of about
75 mm long. Place the center of the tape over the lattice in a direction parallel to one set
of cuts and smooth into place over the area of the lattice.
To ensure good contact with the coating, rub the tape firmly with a fingertip or the nail.
Remove the tape within 5 minutes after applying. Grasp the free end of the tape and pull
it off steadily in 0.5 s to 1.0 s at an angle which is as close as possible to 60°.
Since using an adhesive tape is no longer a normative reference, it is possible to use
any adhesive tape. However, we suggest to use a tape with an adhesive strength on
steel between 6N and 10 N. The adhesive strength of coatings can differ significantly
from the manufacturer's specifications on steel. Therefore it is important to always use
the same adhesive tape in order to get reproducible results.
Compressed air or Nitrogen
Remove all loose particles with compressed air or nitrogen.
6.2 Handling according to ASTM D3359
Hold the cross-cut tester only at the handle.
The flexible cutting head should always move freely.
Never use your other hand or finger of the leading hand to add additional pressure to the
cutting head during testing.
Always pull the cross-cut tester, never push it.