ALWAYS read ALL instructions and warnings completely and seek help if you do not
understand their contents.
Failure to do so could result in INJURY or DEATH!
It is the responsibility of the user to read and follow all instructions and warnings.
This training equipment is NOT A TOY.
1. ALWAYS keep equipment away from children.
2. NEVER stretch a fitness cable, tube or band more than 3X its original length.
3. ALWAYS examine all parts before each use and look for tears, cracks, chips,
discoloration, fraying or any other unusual signs of damage or wear.
4. ALWAYS replace damaged parts immediately before additional use or keep
the equipment out of use.
5. NEVER use damaged equipment or parts.
6. DO NOT store equipment in direct sunlight or in hot places.
7. ALWAYS wear appropriate clothing and shoes when using equipment.
8. ALWAYS ensure equipment anchor points are secure and will not damage equipment.
9. DO NOT use anchor points that are rough, or will cut or damage the equipment.
10. ALWAYS use equipment anchor points that can SAFELY HOLD 3X the peak force
exerted during equipment use.
11. ALWAYS lock doors when being used as anchor points.
12. ALWAYS place door anchors on hinged side of door and test hold with strong,
direct pulling.
13. NEVER release or adjust fitness equipment when under tension or in use.
14. NEVER pull fitness cables so that the stretched cables line up with your face or other
sensitive parts of your body. Doing so is dangerous and may cause INJURY or DEATH.
15. ALWAYS warm up and stretch before using equipment.
16. ALWAYS drink plenty of fluids before, during and after exercising.
17. ALWAYS breathe naturally and exercise using controlled, deliberate movements.
18. NEVER place any part of equipment around neck.
19. NEVER place handles with rotator grips on feet.
20. ALWAYS use equipment only as directed.
21. ALWAYS consult with a physician before performing any physical activity.
22. BEFORE you begin equipment use, imitate exercises WITHOUT equipment until
you are able to perform movements with confidence.
23. Lifeline International, Inc. assumes no liability for accidents or damage that may
occur with the use of Lifeline products.
If you have allergies to latex, do not use this product.
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