IGMP Proxy (Internet Group Management Protocol):
IGMP proxy can be used to implement
multicast routing. It works by IGMP frame forwarding from ISP to gateway client. Default:
UPnP (Universal Plug and Play):
UPuP is architecture for pervasive peer-to-peer network
connectivity of PCs and intelligent devices or appliances, particularly within the home. UPnP
builds on Internet standards and technologies, such as TCP/IP, HTTP, and XML, to enable
these devices automatically connect with one another and work together to make networking –
particularly home networking – possible for more people. UPnP allows automatic discovery
and configuration of equipment attached to your LAN, UPnP is support Windows Me, XP or
later. It provides compatibility with networking equipment, software and peripherals of the over
400 vendors that cooperate in the Play and Play forum. Default:
3.4.3 DHCP Clients
DHCP client computers connected to the device will have their information displayed in the
DHCP Client List table. The table will show the MAC Address, IP Address and Expired in of the
DHCP lease for each client computer.
MAC Address:
Shows the client MAC address information.
IP address:
Shows the client IP address information.
Expires in:
Shows the expired time of the client.