Alternating Current and Direct Current Panel (AC/DC Panel)
The AC/DC panel (electrical distribution panel) is located inside the cabin, on the starboard aft wall of the
main salon. The top half of the panel controls your AC accessories and runs off of shore power (standard
equipment) or the generator (optional equipment). The bottom half of the panel controls your DC
accessories and runs off of the dealer installed batteries.
DC Panel
AC Panel
Alternating Current (AC)
Power to your AC accessories is provided either by shore power (standard equipment) or the generator
(optional equipment). There is a slide mechanism on the AC panel that will need to be positioned either
up or down depending upon which power source you select.
When using your shore power to provide power to the alternating current system, the slide mechanism
needs to be in the down position in order to switch the AC main breaker to the on position.
When using your optional generator to provide power to the alternating current system, the slide
mechanism needs to be in the up position in order to switch the generator breaker to the on position.
If the Reverse Polarity light (red) comes on, you may have a problem with the shore power cable or your
power source. Unplug the shore power immediately and do not use it until a qualified technician corrects
this potentially dangerous situation.
The AC volts and the AC amperes gauges allow you to monitor the AC power usage. The system is
designed to pull up to 30 amps. If you are pulling more than 30 amps, you should turn off one or more of
the breakers for the accessories that you are not using. Pulling more than 30 amps will cause the AC
system to trip one or more of the breakers. To avoid tripping breakers, if an accessory is not in use, the
breaker should be in the off position. The AC panel provides power to the following:
Cabin Outlet 1
Air Conditioner
Water Heater
Cabin Outlet 2
Battery Charger
Direct Current (DC)
The 12-volt power system is run off your dealer installed batteries. When selecting DC power, switch the
DC Main breaker to the on position. The DC panel provides power to the following: