Access Hatch Locations
Wet/Dry Storage
in console seat
Glove Box
Fuel Fill
Fuel Vent Hose
Three access pies in head for
access to:
Forward T-top stanchions
Wiring harness below deck
Drain fittings for
casting deck
storage boxes
Fuel sender
Fuel pick-ups
Fuel fill hose
Fuel vent hose
(On the deck, forward of
the helm seat)
Anchor Locker
Bilge access
Battery switch
Bilge pump & float switch
(hatch is in the center of
the motor well)
The boat in the photo above includes the optional Fiberglass Leaning Post with Baitwell & Backrest.
Note: Loosen the two bolts on forward edge of the console for access to the backside of
the dash panel.