applied by playing a record. For this reason, when using one of these cartridges a value of roughly one half that of
the tracking force is the ideal value. In other words, the Blue Point Special EVO III has an ideal tracking force of 2.0
grams. Therefore, the anti-skate value on your tonearm should be set to 1.0 – 1.5.
Vertical Tracking Angle/Stylus Rake Angle:
The dimensions of the cutting stylus used in mastering each vinyl record
create a rake (forward-backward tilt) of the record groove. The rake angle may change for different records depending
on the method of mastering used. The corresponding rake of the playback stylus will be one of the determining factors
in the delivered performance of your Oyster™ cartridge; however, all Oyster™ cartridges are designed to give excellent
performance over a very wide window of rake angles. If your tonearm does not have rake or adjustable height adjustment,
you may rest assured that your cartridge will deliver a very high degree of performance.
The following is intended for those who own a tonearm that allows for the adjustment of rake or arm pillar height. To
optimize, start with the tonearm oriented with the back of the arm lower than the front by
1/2 inch. Listen to a recording