VISTEK V6334E/D & V6334Q/D
hd/sd sdi digital audio de-multiplexer
Issue 3
3.4 Banner Warnings
When certain invalid operating conditions occur one or more messages scroll across the front panel in sleep
mode. Here are the details of the warnings that can be displayed.
Wrong FPGA File
The configuration file located in the flash memory card is incorrect for this type of module. Probably
due to the incorrect flash memory module being fitted.
No sub-module
There is no sub-module fitted on the base board, therefore the module cannot operate.
Wrong sub-module
The incorrect sub-module has been fitted, therefore the module cannot operate.
Unknown rear module
The rear into which the module has been inserted is not a compatible rear for this module.
Only 4 AES O/Ps
The module is a V6334E/D and has been inserted into a rear that only has 4 output. So outputs E to
H can not be used.
3.5 Main Menu
Here as a guide and a description of the operation of the module are the details of all the available controls
and statuses available on the front panel menu. Please refer to appendix A for an overview of the menu
structure, as the menus are described here in the order they appear in Appendix A from top to bottom, left
to right.
3.5.1 Video Input Selection
The SDI inputs must conform to either the SD or HD standards listed in Appendix B.
Two selectable SDI input connections are available on all rear versions. If only one input is required then it
should be connected to SDI 1.
The input selection is done on the
MAIN : Video
3.5.2 Group to Output Selection
There can be up to four groups of embedded audio, each group carrying two AES streams. The V6334 can
de-embed any and all of these channels onto any output by selecting a group’s channel for every output
using the front panel.
In menu
there is a control for each output;
Output A
Output B
Output C
etc. In each of these
controls it is possible to select any group half, i.e. ‘
A Grp1.1
’ will de-embed the first channel of group 1 to
output A.
If no audio is present on the selected channel no AES carrier will be present on the output.