5c. Set Required Compensation Filter (if required)
Each channel of the PMA amplifier can be programmed to apply a compensation filter for certain
acoustic conditions that may exist within the listening space that could alter the performance of
the loudspeaker in-situ. Some of these conditions are: the presence of a perforated video screen
in front of the screen speakers, nearby room boundaries or cloth that is stretched over listening
room walls that contain the speakers.
These filters are designed by Pro Audio Technology engineers to precisely compensate for the
particular acoustic condition. No knowledge of science, acoustics or engineering is required to
use them.
To program an amp channel for a particular compensation filter, left-click on the drop-down
list control under the Compensation heading in the GUI. You will see a complete list of available
filters. Select the desired filter by left-clicking the filter name in the list.
The selected filter will be loaded into the amplifier DSP for that channel and the name of the filter
will appear in the drop-down control in the GUI.
Certain features of PMA Manager software can only be accessed after ADVANCED CONTROLS have
been activated. These controls include individual channel gain adjustment and low-frequency para-
metric EQ filters.
To access these controls, go to the main menu SETTINGS -> ENABLE ADVANCED CONTROLS.
The GUI will expand and reveal the advanced objects.
5d. Set Channel Gain Level (if required) - ADVANCED
The overall gain (output level) of each PMA amplifier channel can be adjusted with 0.1dB accu-
CAUTION: This feature is NOT intended to be used to match the surround sound acoustic
output levels of speakers within a surround sound system. The preamp/processor should
be used to set speaker level matching delay.
To adjust the gain of an amp channel, left-click on the button under the LEVEL heading in the
GUI. This will open up a new window, or form, with a volume slider and text entry field. To ex-
ecute an adjustment,
on the on the slider scale (virtual sliding volume control)
and drag up or down to the desired setting. The exact value of the adjustment will appear in the
text box above the slider. Once the target value is reached,
release the left mouse button
and PMA
Manager software will load the setting into the amp DSP.
For precise adjustments, it may be easier to type the desired gain setting directly into the text
box on the gain form. To do this,
left-click and drag
to highlight ALL the text in the text field, then
release the left mouse button and type in your desired setting. Hit ENTER (RETURN) and PMA
Manager will load the setting into the DSP.
NOTE: You must hit the ENTER or RETURN key after typing in the text box to execute the change.