Moog Components Group
VIDEO 3 Input/Output Boards
February 24, 2009
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VME 3-U PCB and faceplate in rack: 20 mm wide x 128 mm high (0.8 in x 5.05 in)
1.3.4 Video 3 Board Power Requirements:
+5 Volts at 1.0 Amps (5.0 Watts)
-5 Volts at 0.1 Amps (0.5 Watts)
1.4 Video 3 Board Adjustment and Troubleshooting
In normal operation the following LED status should be observed:
+5 volts power LED - Lit green
-5 volts power LED - Lit green
Four channel activity LEDs - Lit yellow when camera is activated on that channel
Once a good optical link is established between the vehicle and surface units, a video test
pattern or camera can be used to generate a test signal for display on a video monitor.
Verify that all video channels are active. In this example there are eight independent video
channels, 4 on each Video 3 board. When the video input source is connected to one of the
4 channels on a video input board, a yellow LED will light on the corresponding channel of
the Video output board.
NOTE: a fiber optic link must be made in BOTH DIRECTIONS for the multiplexer to
work properly.
1.4.1 Board Level Testing:
If either section of the power LED is out:
Check for +5VDC and -5V DC at the backplane connector.
If correct power is measured:
Check LED and transistor circuit
If power is not found:
Check power entry at backplane and test power supply (see power supply section of
If one or more video channels are tearing or have low video level:
Adjust the gain on Video 3 Input board to a 1 to 1 gain, utilizing trimpots VR1 -
VR4. Access to these trimpots is through the front panel of the board, next to the
yellow LEDs.
Adjust the gain on Video 3 Output board to a 1 to 1 gain, utilizing trimpots VR1 -
VR4. Access to these trimpots is through the front panel of the board, next to the
yellow LEDs.