13. When the bread has baked the
machine will beep and display 0:00
when the loaf is ready. Open the lid
and using oven gloves or a thick
towel, remove the pan by slightly
twisting anti-clockwise.
14. Still using oven gloves, tip the
pan upside down and shake gently.
The loaf will slide out of the pan.
15. Leave to cool on a wire tray for
20 minutes before slicing.
You can keep the loaf warm for up to 60 minutes after the cycle has finished. Just
leave the bread maker switched on with the loaf inside.
Another tip:
When moved from the bread pan, the kneading blade may stay in the loaf.
This is quite normal but to prevent injury it is best to allow the loaf to cool completely before
attempting to remove the kneading blade. Avoid the use of metal utensils as this can
damage the non-stick coating.