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Mooring Buoy’s (also called Mooring Cans)
The State Park Sticker on Prima Vista allows you to pick up the MOORING CANS in the parks for FREE. You
usually need to register at the kiosk located nearby, or at the heads of the docks.
Public mooring cans are usually clearly marked. The metal ring inside the round buoy is attached to a sturdy chain
which secures your boat to the sea floor. IT IS VERY HEAVY. The strongest member of your crew should be
picked for this job.
Come up to the CAN into the wind SLOWLY, as you would for anchoring.
Have crew members on the bow
one with a boat hook, who points at the can so the captain knows where it is
one with a mooring line
secured at one end to either the port or starboard forward cleat
Pass the free end thru the heavy metal ring on the can
Secure the line to the cleat on the other side creating a bridle to the can that hangs UNDER
This process makes it easy to release in the morning. In heavier winds, you may wish to use a second line as needed.