Page 11
The instruments described in this technical manual are equipments for
use in specialized technical area. The user is responsible for the
configuration and selection of values of the parameters of the
instruments. The manufacturer warns against the risk of incidents with
injuries to both persons and property, resulting from the incorrect use of
the instrument. Use the instrument only according to this technical
manual. Any operation not described here is not allowed.
Other pressure equipments and accessories (such as hose, reservoirs,
protection devices) connected to the calibrator must be appropriate to the
working pressure.
The calibrator discharges gas to the atmosphere through vent port. Leave
this port free.
Before connecting the instrument under test to the output port, make a
VENT operation to discharge any gas inside the controller. Before turning
the calibrator off, it is recommended to vent the gas inside the controller.
To prevent damage to the connected instrument to be calibrated, do not
turn off the PCON-Y18-LP with the CONTROL mode selected. Before
turning off, select MEASURE or VENT mode.
All pressure equipment and accessories (such as hoses, connections,
adapters, etc.) connected to the calibrator must be clean, free of residues
such as oil, dirt, dust etc. These residues can cause irreversible damage
to the internal system of the pressure control module. It is mandatory to
use filters in out port (HI).