Page 34
4.5 - Calibration
Indicator and Totalizer is accurately calibrated in factory and
does not need periodic calibration in normal conditions. When calibration is required,
follow this procedure below.
Disconnect the process signals of I/O terminals.
Before calibrating the instrument, keep it turned on for at least 30 minutes for
warm up.
This section contains two parts: input calibration and output calibration.
Input Calibration
This section describes the procedure for calibration of the input (channel 1).
The accuracy and precision of the calibrator used for generating references
must be at least two times better than the specifications of the Indicator.
The following tables list the references related to the type of input to be
calibrated. The left column shows the mnemonics presented on the display during
the calibration process.
Check if the internal input jumpers are properly placed.
To perform the calibration, enter level 6 of Calibration. The calibration level
has a password system which avoids someone to enter this level accidentally and
damage any calibration parameter.
The password for entering this level is
number 5.
Once the correct password is provided, select the input type to be calibrated.
Choose channel 1 by pressing ENTER. The display shows the mnemonics related to
the references required for the calibration process. The references must be applied
before selecting the corresponding mnemonic shown on display. When the reference
is stable, start the calibration by pressing ENTER. At this moment the Indicator
begins the calibration process while the mnemonic CAL blinks on the display.
While the display is blinking the reference must remain connect to the input
being calibrated.
When the display stops blinking and presents the mnemonic corresponding to
the reference, the calibration process of the first calibration point will be finished.
Change to the next reference and press DOWN to select another point.
Between any two calibration points wait 1 minute at least. After this time is elapsed,
press ENTER to start calibrating this point.
After performing all references on the table related to the input type to be
calibrated, the calibration process will be finished.
It is possible to calibrate only one point without rendering invalid the other
points already calibrated, in case the calibration of this point was not carried out
In order to return to normal operation move back through the hierarchical
levels until reaching level zero.