Cover with boiling water leaving 1-inch headspace. Adjust jar lids.
Process at 11 pounds pressure – Pints 55 minutes and Quarts 85
minutes. For processing above 2,000 feet altitude, see page 27 for
recommended pounds of pressure.
Sort young, tender, freshly picked greens discarding wilted tough
leaves, stems, and roots. Wash greens thoroughly. Do not raw pack
greens. Place approximately 1 pound of greens at a time in a cheese
cloth bag and steam 3 to 5 minutes or until well wilted. Pack hot greens
loosely in clean, hot Mason jars, leaving 1-inch headspace. Cover with
fresh boiling water, leaving 1-inch headspace. Adjust jar lids.
Process at 11 pounds pressure – Pints 70 minutes and Quarts 90
minutes. For processing above 2,000 feet altitude, see page 27 for
recommended pounds of pressure.
Trim stems and discolored parts of mushrooms. Soak mushrooms in
cold water for 10 minutes to remove soil. Wash in clean water. Leave
small mushrooms whole; cut larger ones in halves or quarters. Cover
with water in a saucepan and boil 5 minutes. Pack hot mushrooms
in clean, hot Mason jars, leaving 1-inch headspace. For better color,
teaspoon of ascorbic acid per pint. Cover with boiling water,
leaving 1-inch headspace. Adjust jar lids.
Process at 11 pounds pressure – Half pints and Pints 45 minutes. For
processing above 2,000 feet altitude, see page 27 for recommended
pounds of pressure.
Wash and trim young, tender okra pods. Remove stem, without cutting
into pods if okra is to be canned whole. If desired, slice okra into
1-inch pieces. Cover okra with boiling water and boil 2 minutes. Pack
hot okra in clean, hot Mason jars, leaving 1-inch headspace. Cover
with boiling water, leaving 1-inch headspace. Adjust jar lids.
Process at 11 pounds pressure – Pints 25 minutes and Quarts 40
minutes. For processing above 2,000 feet altitude, see page 27 for
recommended pounds of pressure.
Wash and shell young, tender freshly picked green peas. Rinse.
Raw Pack: Pack peas loosely in clean, hot Mason jars, leaving
1-inch headspace. Do not shake or press down.
Hot Pack: Cover peas with boiling water and bring to a boil.
Boil 2 minutes. Pack hot peas loosely in clean,
hot Mason jars, leaving 1-inch headspace. Do not
shake or press down.
Cover with boiling water, leaving 1-inch headspace. Adjust jar lids.
Process at 11 pounds pressure – Pints and Quarts 40 minutes. For
processing above 2,000 feet altitude, see page 27 for recommended
pounds of pressure.
(including bell, chile, jalapeño, and pimiento)
Preparation of Chile peppers
—Cut two or four slits in each pepper,
and blister using one of the following methods:
Oven or broiler method: Place chile peppers in a 400° oven or
broiler for 6 to 8 minutes until skins blister.
Range-top method: Cover hot burner, either gas or electric with
heavy wire mesh. Place chilies on burner for several minutes
until skins blister.
Allow peppers to cool. Place in a pan and cover with a damp cloth.
After several minutes, peel peppers. Remove stems and seeds.
Preparation of other peppers
—Remove stems and seeds; blanch 3
Hot Pack: Small peppers may be left whole. Large peppers
may be quartered. Pack peppers loosely in clean,
hot Mason jars, leaving 1-inch headspace. Cover
with boiling water, leaving 1-inch headspace.
Adjust jar lids.
Process at 11 pounds of pressure – Pints 35 minutes. For processing
above 2,000 feet altitude, see page 27 for recommended pounds of