Prestigio Visconte 1450W Скачать руководство пользователя страница 47






RJ-11 Phone Jack

This port connects to the built-in modem. You may plug the telephone line directly
into this RJ-11 telephone connection.
Note: Broadband (e.g. ADSL) modems usually connect to the LAN port.

RJ-45 LAN Jack

This port supports LAN (Network) functions.
Note: Broadband (e.g. ADSL) modems usually connect to the LAN port.

Security Lock Slot

To prevent possible theft, a Kensington-type lock can be attached to this slot. Locks
can be purchased at any computer store.

S/PDIF-Out Jack

This S/PDIF (Sony/Philips Digital Interface Format) Out Jack allows you to connect
your DVD-capable PC to a Dolby AC-3 compatible receiver for “5.1” or ‘dts’ surround

S-Video-Out Port

Connect your television to your computer and view DVDs, VCDs or anything else

your computer can display. You will need an S-Video cable to make the connection.
Enable this port from the video driver controls.

USB 2.0/1.1 Ports

These USB 2.0 compatible ports (USB 2.0 is fully USB 1.1 compliant) are for low-
speed peripherals such as keyboards, mice or scanners, and for high-speed
peripherals such as external HDDs, digital video cameras or high-speed scanners etc.
Devices can be plugged into the computer, and unplugged from the computer,
without the need to turn the system off (if the power rating of your USB device is
500mA or above, make sure you use the power supply which comes with the

Optional Port Replicator Ports and Jacks



DC-In Jack

Plug the supplied AC/DC adapter into this jack to power your computer.

External Monitor (VGA) Port This port allows you to connect an external monitor, or Flat Panel Display, to get dual
video or simultaneous display on the LCD and external monitor/FPD.

Parallel Port

Connect a parallel type printer to this port. The port supports ECP (Extended
Capabilities Port) and EPP (Enhanced Parallel Port) 1.7/1.9 modes.

Serial Port

Connect a serial type mouse to this port.

RJ-45 LAN Jack

This port supports LAN (Network) functions.
Note: Broadband (e.g. ADSL) modems usually connect to the LAN port.

USB 2.0/1.1 Ports

These USB 2.0 compatible ports (USB 2.0 is fully USB 1.1 compliant) are for low-
speed peripherals such as keyboards, mice or scanners, and for high-speed
peripherals such as external HDDs, digital video cameras or high-speed scanners etc.
Devices can be plugged into the computer, and unplugged from the computer,
without the need to turn the system off (if the power rating of your USB device is
500mA or above, make sure you use the power supply which comes with the

Содержание Visconte 1450W

Страница 1: ...consentfromthevendor manufacturerorcreators ofthispublication exceptforcopieskeptbytheuserforbackuppurposes Brandandproductnamesmentionedinthis publicationmayormaynotbecopyrightsand orregisteredtrademarksoftheirrespectivecompanies Theyaremen tionedforidentificationpurposesonlyandarenotintendedasanendorsementofthatproductoritsmanufacturer January 2006 Trademarks Thisproductincorporatescopyrightprot...

Страница 2: ...ativeoranexperiencedradio TVtechnicianforhelp IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Follow basic safety precautions including those listed below to reduce the risk of fire electric shock and injury to personswhenusinganyelectricalequipment 1 Do not use this product near water for example near a bath tub wash bowl kitchen sink or laundry tub in a wet basementornearaswimmingpool 2 Avoidusingthisequipmentwit...

Страница 3: ... Donotdisassemblethecomputerbyyourself Perform routine maintenance on your computer 5 Takecarewhenusingperipheraldevices Useonlyapprovedbrandsofperipherals Unplug the power cord before attaching peripheral devices Power Safety Thecomputerhasspecificpowerrequirements Onlyuseapoweradapterapprovedforusewiththiscomputer YourAC DCadaptermaybedesignedforinternationaltravelbutitstillrequiresasteady unint...

Страница 4: ...ife undervariousstateandlocallaws itmaybeillegaltodisposeofthisbatteryintothemunicipalwastestream Check with your local solid waste officials for details in your area for recycling options or proper disposal Dangerofexplosionifbatteryisincorrectlyreplaced Replaceonlywiththesameorequivalenttyperecommendedby themanufacturer Discardusedbatteryaccordingtothemanufacturer sinstructions Cleaning Donotapp...

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Страница 6: ...sttolevelsthatallowyoutoseethescreenclearly Position the display directly in front of you at a comfortable viewing distance Adjustthedisplay viewingangletofindthebestposition Quick Start Guide System Startup 1 Removeallpackingmaterials 2 Placethecomputeronastablesurface 3 Securelyattachanyperipheralsyouwanttousewiththenotebook e g keyboardandmouse totheirports 4 AttachtheAC DCadaptertotheDC Injack...

Страница 7: ...municationIndicators 10 Built InMicrophone Wireless Device Operation Aboard Aircraft The use of any portable electronic transmission devices aboard aircraft is usually prohibited Make sure the module s are OFF if you are using the computer aboard aircraft Use the key combinations to toggle power to the WLAN Bluetooth mod ules and check the status indicator icon to see if the modules are powered on...

Страница 8: ...harging Blinking Orange The Battery has Reached Critically Low Power Status Green The Battery is Fully Charged Blinking Green New Mail Has Arrived Green Hard Disk Activity Green The WLAN Module is Powered On Orange The Bluetooth Module is Powered On Hot Key Buttons Keyboard ThesebuttonsgiveinstantaccesstothedefaultInter netbrowserande mailprogram andtoauser definedapplication with one quick button...

Страница 9: ...3 Mute Toggle Fn F4 SleepToggle Fn F5 Decrease Audio Volume Fn F6 Increase Audio Volume Fn F7 Display Toggle Fn F8 Decrease LCD Brightness Fn F9 Increase LCD Brightness Fn F10 PC Camera Module Power Toggle Fn F11 Wireless LAN Module Power Toggle Fn F12 Bluetooth Module Power Toggle Fn NumLk Number Lock Toggle Fn ScrLk Scroll Lock Toggle Special Characters Some software applications allow the numbe...

Страница 10: ...utPort 5 RJ 11PhoneJack 6 SecurityLockSlot 7 Battery 4 in 1 Card Reader Thecardreaderallowsyoutousethemostpopulardigitalstoragecardformats MMC MultiMediaCard SD Secure Digital MS MemoryStick MSPro MemoryStickPro Left View 1 RJ 45LANJack 2 Vent FanIntake 3 2 USB 2 0 Ports 4 S PDIF Out Jack 5 Line InJack 6 Mini IEEE1394Port 7 PC Card Slot ...

Страница 11: ...e system is accessing it This may cause the system to crash Changing DVD Regional Codes GototheControlPanelanddouble clickSystem Hardware tab clickDeviceManager thenclickthe nexttoDVD CD ROMdrives Double clickontheDVD ROMdevicetobringupthePropertiesdi aloguebox andselecttheDVDRegion tab to bring up the control panel to allow you to adjust the regional code DVDregiondetectionisdevicedependent notOS...

Страница 12: ...tthismanualyouwillseeaninstructiontoopentheControlPanel TheControlPanelis accessedfromtheStartmenu anditallowsyoutoconfigurethesettingsformostofthekeyfeaturesinWindows e g power video network audio etc Windows XP provides basic controls for many of the features however many new controlsareadded orexistingonesareenhanced whenyouinstallthedrivers Toseeallcontrolsitmaybenecessary to toggle off Catego...

Страница 13: ...A monitor Flat Panel Display connects to the external monitor port a TV to the S Video Out Port The followingdisplaymodesareavailable Intel Display Mode Description Single Mode One of the connected displays is used as the display device Intel R Dual Display Clone Mode Both connected displays output the same view and may be configured independently Extended Desktop Mode Both connected displays are ...

Страница 14: ...toconservepowerthroughoutthesystem Thecomputer spowerbutton sleepbutton Fn F4keycombination andlid closingthelid maybesettosendthe computerintoeitherStandbyorHibernatemode Power Saving and Performance PowerSchemesmayhaveanaffectonyourcomputerperformance Features Components Overview Hard Disk Drive The hard disk drive is used to store your data in the computer The hard disk can be taken out to acco...

Страница 15: a straightened pa per clip into the emergencyejecthole 3 toopenthetray Sound Volume Adjustment HowhighthesoundvolumecanbesetdependsonthesettingofthevolumecontrolwithinWindows ClicktheVolume icon on the taskbar to check the setting Handling CDs or DVDs ProperhandlingofyourCDs DVDswillpreventthemfrombeingdamaged Pleasefollowtheadvicebelowtomakesure thatthedatastoredonyourCDs DVDscanbeaccessed Not...

Страница 16: ...xico Australia New Zealand 5 N Korea Russia Eastern Europe India Most of Africa 6 China 4 in 1 Card Reader Thecardreaderallowsyoutousesomeofthelatestdigitalstoragecards Pushthecardintotheslotanditwillappear asaremovabledevice andcanbeac cessedinthesamewayasyourharddisk s MakesureyouinstallthePCM CIA Card ReaderCarddriver MMC MultiMediaCard SD SecureDigital MS MemoryStick MS Pro Memory Stick Pro Ca...

Страница 17: ...Checker AfteryouhaveinstalledthedriverfortheAutoMailCheckerprogramyoumaythenconfigureittogiveyounotification whenyoureceivenewmail Youmustbeonlinetoreceivethisnotification notethatthisprogramonlysupportsthe POP3 protocol and your default mail program does not need to be open TheAutoMailCheckerappearsasanicon inthetaskbar ifyoudonotseetheiconinthetaskbargotoStart Programs AllPrograms AutoMailChecke...

Страница 18: ...faultprogram followtheinstructionsbelow 1 RightclicktheHot Keydrivericon inthetaskbar 2 SelectSetupfromthemenu scrolltoApplication1andpressEnter 3 AnOpendialogboxwillappearonthescreen 4 Browsetothedirectorywherethedesiredapplication exe seethesidebar programexists 5 Double ClickontheprogramfileorchooseOpen TouchPad and Buttons Mouse TheTouchPadisanalternativetothemouse however youcanalsoaddamouset...

Страница 19: ... Effect Manager icon in the taskbar control panel this will bring up the RealtekAudioConfigurationmenus ThevolumemayalsobeadjustedbymeansoftheFn F5 F6keycombination Sound Volume Adjustment HowhighthesoundvolumecanbesetdependsonthesettingofthevolumecontrolwithinWindows ClicktheVolume icon on the taskbar to check the setting 8 Channel Sound Support Ifyouwishtoconfigureyoursystemfor8channelsoundsuppo...

Страница 20: ...packing papertray toner inkcartridgeetc 2 TurnONthecomputer 3 TurnONtheprinter 4 Connecttheprinter sUSBcabletooneoftheUSBportsonthecomputer 5 Windowswillidentifytheprinterandeitherloadoneofitsowndriversoraskyoutosupplyone Followtheon screen instructions Parallel Printer Aftersettinguptheprinterattachtheparallelcabletotheprinter Connecttheprinter sparallelcabletotheParalleltoUSBconverter andthenplu...

Страница 21: ... Thebatteryallowsyoutouseyourcomputerwhileyouareontheroadorwhenanelectricaloutletisunavailable Battery life varies depending on the applications and the configuration you re using To increase battery life let the battery dischargecompletelybeforerecharging Werecommendthatyoudonotremovethebattery Port Replicator AC DC Adapter You will be provided with a 90W AC DC adapter if you purchase the port re...

Страница 22: ...iskdrivehasnotbeenaccessedforaspecifiedperiodoftime ifthesystemreadsor writesdata theharddiskmotorwillbeturnedbackon Theschemesmayalsobesettosetaspecifiedtimeforthesystem toenterStandbyorHibernatemodes Resuming Operation ThesystemcanresumefromMonitororHardDiskStandbybypressingakeyonthekeyboard theSleep Resumekey combination Fn F4 or power button EachWindowsPowerSchemewillalsoadjusttheprocessorperf...

Страница 23: ...gertimetowakeupthesystemfromHibernatemodethanfromStandbymode Standby Standbysavestheleastamountofpower buttakestheshortesttimetoreturntofulloperation DuringStandbythehard diskisturnedoff andtheCPUismadetoidleatitsslowestspeed Allopenapplicationsareretainedinmemo ry When youarenotusingyourcomputerforacertainlengthoftime whichyouspecifyintheoperatingsystem itwillenter Standbymodetosavepower Hibernat...

Страница 24: ...figuretheSleep Resumekeycombination Fn F4 fromthemenu InWindowsthisisreferredtoas theSleepbutton Battery Information Pleasefollowthesesimpleguidelinestogetthebestuseoutofyourbattery New Battery Alwayscompletelydischarge thenfullycharge anewbattery Battery Life Yourcomputer sbatterylifeisdependentuponmanyfactors includingtheprogramsyouarerunning andperipheral devicesattached PowerOptions youmaysetl...

Страница 25: ...nnecessaryexternaldevices Proper handling of the Battery Pack DONOTdisassemblethebatterypackunderanycircumstances DONOTexposethebatterytofireorhightemperatures itmayexplode DONOTconnectthemetalterminals toeachother Damaged Battery Warning Should you notice any physical defects e g the battery is bent out of shape after being dropped or any unusual smells emanating from the notebook battery shut yo...

Страница 26: ...natedas DriveC andtheotheras DriveD InthiscasetheCDdevicemaybedesignatedas DriveE Pleasemake sureyouareactuallynavigatingtothecorrectdriveletterfortheCDdevice When you click the Browse button after clicking Run in the Start menu you will see the Look in dialog box at the topoftheBrowsewindow ClickthescrollbuttontonavigatetoMyComputertodisplaythedevicesanddriveletters Service Packs Checkthewarnings...

Страница 27: ...ose to keep the existing newer version Updating Reinstalling Individual Drivers Ifyouwishtoupdate reinstallindividualdriversitmaybenecessarytouninstalltheoriginaldriver Todothisgotothe ControlPanelintheWindowsOSanddouble clicktheAdd RemoveProgramsitem Ifyouseetheindividualdriverlisted ifnotseebelow uninstallit followingtheonscreenprompts itmaybenecessarytorestartthecomput er Gotothe appropriatesec...

Страница 28: ...dio 5 LAN 6 Modem 7 TouchPad 8 PCMCIA CardReader 9 Hot Key 10 AutoMail ManualDriverInstallationOnly 11 IntelWirelessLAN 12 Bluetooth 13 PCCamera 14 PortReplicatorSerialPort 15 Port Replicator Network LAN Port Driver Installation Procedure Thissectioncoversdriverandutilityinstallationin structionsforWindowsXPHome Professional New Hardware Found If you see the message New Hardware Found Found New Ha...

Страница 29: ... andnavigate Browse toD Drivers Chipset Setup exeandclickOK 2 ClickNext Yes Next 3 ClickFinishtorestartthecomputer Video WinXP 1 Click2 InstallVideoDriver YesfromtheDriversInstallermenu OR Navigate Browse toD Drivers Video Setup exeandclickOK 2 ClickNext Yes 3 ClickFinishtorestartthecomputer Audio WinXP 1 Click3 InstallAudioDriver YesfromtheDriversInstallermenu OR Navigate Browse toD Drivers Audio...

Страница 30: ...Drivers TouchPad SETUP EXEandclickOK 2 ClickNext Next clickContinueAnywayifaskedifyouwanttocontinueatanytime 3 ClickFinishtorestartthecomputer PCMCIA Card Reader WinXP 1 Click7 InstallPCMCIADriver YesfromtheDriversInstallermenu OR ClickStart menu Run andnavigate Browse toD Drivers PCMCIA Setup exeandclickOK 2 ClickNext Next 3 ClickFinishtorestartthecomputer Hot Key WinXP 1 Click8 InstallHotkeyUtil...

Страница 31: ...d Aircraft The use of any portable electronic transmission devices aboard aircraft is usually prohibited Make sure the module s are OFF if you are using the computer aboard aircraft Use the Fn F12 key combination to toggle power to the optional Bluetooth module and check the indicator to see if the module s is powered on or not Intel WLAN Driver Installation 1 Makesurethemoduleispoweredon theninse...

Страница 32: ...ispoweredon theninserttheBluetoothCD ROMintotheCD DVDdrive 2 Theprogramwillrunautomatically 3 Choosethelanguageyouprefer andclickOK 4 ClickNext Yes Next 5 ClickFinishtorestartthecomputer 6 ClickOKwhentheWelcometoBluetoothscreenappearsonrestart 7 You can configure the settings by going to the IVT CorporationBlueSoleil Main Window control panel Start Programs AllPrograms IVTBlueSoleil orbyclickingth...

Страница 33: ... Finish intheInstallShieldWizard torestartthecomputer 10 RuntheBisonCapapplicationprogramfromtheshortcutonthedesktop orfromtheBisonCamitemintheStart Programs AllProgramsmenu ifthehardwareisturnedoffusetheFn F10keycombinationtoturnitonagain PC Camera Audio Setup Ifyouwishtocapturevideo audiowithyourcamera itisnecessarytosetuptheaudiorecordingoptionsinWindows 1 GototheStartmenuandpointtoSettings orj...

Страница 34: File Space You may pre allocate the file size for the capture file in the BisonCap program You can choose to ignore this by clicking Cancel Pre allocating space on the hard disk can improve the capture quality particularly of large capture files by reducing the amount of work the hard disk has to do in finding space for the video data as it is being captured You may find it helpful to defragme...

Страница 35: ...onCapprogram 2 GotoOptionsandscrolldowntoselect VideoCaptureFilter 3 Click either 50Hz or 60Hz under Frequency in Property Page tab Intel Video Driver Controls Intel Video Driver Installation Makesureyouinstallallthedrivers Instructionsforinstallingthevideodriverarerepeatedbelow 1 Click2 InstallVideoDriver YesfromtheDriversInstallermenu OR Navigate Browse toD Drivers Video Setup exeandclickOK 2 Cl...

Страница 36: ...aphicsPropertiesintheintel R GraphicsMediaAcceleratorDriver tab listsdetailsofyour computer smemoryetc Intel Graphics Properties More advanced video configuration options are provided by the Intel R Graphics Media Accelerator Driver 1 OpenDisplayProperties 2 ClicktheIntel R tabandclickGraphicsProperties button 3 You can also access Graphics Properties from theWindows Intel R GMA Driver for Mobile ...

Страница 37: ...15GM GMS 910GMLExpressChipsetFamily Schemes UseSchemestoconfigurequicksettingsforapplicationswhichrequirespecificresolutionandcolorsettingsinorder torunproperlye g games multi mediaprograms Tosettheschemes 1 GototheGraphicsPropertiescontrolpanel 2 Configureyourdisplayconfiguration resolutionetc asperyourrequirements fromDevices tab 3 ClickonSchemes tab 4 ClickNew button andtypeanamefortheschemethe...

Страница 38: ...h Television Display Warning After you have connected a TV as a Display device for the first time the Television icon will appear in the Devices tab permanently thereafter whether or not as television is connected to the S Video Out Port If you select the Television as the single display device when no TV is connected to the S Video Out Port the screen may appear blank If this happens use the Fn F...

Страница 39: ...ltodragthemonitorstomatchthephysicalarrangementyouwish to use or you may also use the Extended Desktop Settings control panel tab in Graphics Properties to configure the relativesizeandposition To Enable Intel R Dual Display Clone Mode 1 Attachyourexternalmonitortotheexternalmonitorport orTVtotheS Video OutPort andturniton 2 GototheGraphicsPropertiescontrolpanelandclickDevices tab 3 ClickIntel R D...

Страница 40: ...tings Extended Desktop YoucanhavedifferentColors ScreenAreaandMonitorRefreshRatesforeachdisplaydeviceprovidedyourmonitorcan supportthem Youcandragthemonitoriconstomatchthephysicallayoutofyourdisplays Iconsandprogramsmayalsobedragged betweenthedisplays To Enable Extended Desktop Display Properties 1 Attachyourexternalmonitortotheexternalmonitorport orTVtotheS Video OutPort andturniton 2 Click Start...

Страница 41: ...pplyto settheTVastheonlydisplaydevice Port Replicator IfyouhaveincludedthePortReplicatorinyourpurchaseoption thedevicewillallowyoutoeasilyattachthenotebook tostandard non portabledevicese g aprinterormonitor Port Replicator AC DC Adapter You will be provided with a 90W AC DC adapter if you purchase the port replicator option If you are using the computer with the Port Replicator then you must use ...

Страница 42: ... Port Replicator Network LAN Driver WinXP 1 Attach the Port Replicator as per the instructions in Port Replicator 2 InserttheprovidedPortReplicatorCDintothecomputer sCD DVDdrive 3 IfyoucanseetheMyComputericononthedesktop ifyoucannotseetheMyComputericongotostep4 clickon itoncetoselectit thenright clickittomakethesub menuappearandscrolldowntoPropertiesandclickonit goto step5 4 IfyoucannotseetheMyCom...

Страница 43: ...hesystemisnotinHibernateorStandbymodebypressingthekeysconfiguredinyour PowerOptions theFn F4keycombination orpowerbuttontowake upthesystem Brightness CheckthebrightnessofthescreenbypressingtheFn F8andF9keystoadjustthebrightness DisplayChoice PressFn F7tomakesurethesystemisnotsetto externalonly display Boot Drive Make sure there are no floppy disks in any connected drive when you start up your mach...

Страница 44: ...installinganewdevicealwaysmakesurethedeviceispoweredon andinmanycasesyouwillneedtorestartthe computer Alwayscheckthatallthecablesarecorrectlyconnected Makesureyouhaveinstalledthedriversforanynewhardwareyouhaveinstalled latestdriverfilesareusuallyavailable todownloadfromvendor swebsites Thoroughly check any recent changes you made to your system as these changes may affect one or more system compon...

Страница 45: ...plugged in and turned on You should also check the monitor s own brightness andcontrastcontrols Thecomputerissetforadifferentdisplay Togglethescreendisplaykeycombination Fn F7 Ifanexternalmonitoris connected turniton Thescreensaverisactivated PressanykeyortouchtheTouchPad NoimageappearsontheexternalmonitorIhavepluggedinandpoweredon You haven t installed the video driver and configured it appropria...

Страница 46: ...he driver s for the module s have not been installed Make sure you have installed the driver for the appropriate module Interface Ports Jacks Overview Item Description Built In Microphone The built in microphone allows you to record on your computer The card reader allows you to use some of the latest digital storage cards Push the Card Reader Port card into the slot and it will appear as a remova...

Страница 47: ... Devices can be plugged into the computer and unplugged from the computer without the need to turn the system off if the power rating of your USB device is 500mA or above make sure you use the power supply which comes with the device Optional Port Replicator Ports and Jacks Item Description DC In Jack Plug the supplied AC DC adapter into this jack to power your computer External Monitor VGA Port T...

Страница 48: ...1 73 1 86 2 2 13 2 26 GHz IntelCeleron MProcessor 478 pin Micro FCPGAPackage Models 350 360 370 380 390 µ0 09 0 09 Micron Process Technology 1MB On die L2 Cache 400MHz FSB 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 GHz Core Logic Intel915GM ICH6 M Memory Two 200 Pin SO DIMM Sockets Supporting DDRII DDR2 400 533 MHz 128 bitWideDDRII DDR2 DataChannelMemory Expandable up to 2GB 256 512 1024 MB DDRII Modules Note DoNotUseOt...

Страница 49: ...le 2 Built InSpeakers Built In Microphone Keyboard Pointing Device WinkeyKeyboard Built In TouchPad with Scrolling Function PCMCIA OneType IIPCMCIACardBusPCCardSlot Interface Four USB 2 0 Ports OneExternalMonitorPort OneHeadphone OutJack OneMicrophone InJack OneLine InJack OneS PDIFOutputJack One RJ 11 Jack for Plug Play Fax Modem One RJ 45 Jack for 10Mb 100Mb 1000Mb Fast Ethernet One Mini IEEE 13...

Страница 50: ...rts Hibernate Mode SupportsStandby SupportsBatteryLowSuspend SupportsResumefromModemRing Supports Wake on LAN Power Full Range AC DC Adapter 20V 3 25A 65 Watts 100 240V 47 63Hz Full Range AC DC Adapter 20V 5 25A 90 Watts 100 240V 50 60Hz If using the optional Port Replicator 6CellSmartLithium IonBatteryPack 4000mAH 44 4W 6CellSmartLithium IonBatteryPack 4400mAH 48 8W Environmental Spec Temperature...

Страница 51: ...mboDriveModule DVD DualDriveModule PortReplicator 10 100Base TEthernetPort 4 USB2 0Ports SerialPort ParallelPort ExternalMonitorPort DC In Jack Note Port Replicator requires the supplied 90W power adapter ChargerBox FactoryOption PCCamerawithUSBInterface Factory Option Bluetooth Module Version 1 2 ...

Страница 52: ...52 PRESTIGIO VISCONTE 1450W ENG Notes ...
