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Basic Hints and Tips

Many of the following may seem obvious but they are often the solution to a problem when your computer appears not
to be working.
• Power - Is the computer actually plugged into a working electrical outlet? If plugged into a power strip, make sure it is
actually working. Check the LED Power Indicators to see the computer’s power status.
• Connections - Check all the cables to make sure that there are no loose connections anywhere.
• Power Savings - Make sure that the system is not in Hibernate or Standby mode by pressing the Fn + F4 key combination,
or by pressing the power button, to wake-up the system.
• Brightness - Check the brightness of the screen by pressing the Fn + F8 and F9 keys to adjust the brightness.
• Display Choice - Press Fn + F7 to make sure the system is not set to “external only” display.
• Boot Drive - Make sure there are no floppy disks in any attached floppy drives when you start up your machine (this is
a common cause of the message “Invalid system disk - Replace the disk, and then press any key” / “Remove disks or other
media. Press any key to restart”).

Backup and General Maintenance

• Always backup your important data, and keep copies of your OS and programs safe, but close to hand. Don’t forget to note
the serial numbers if you are storing them out of their original cases, e.g. in a CD wallet.
• Run maintenance programs on your hard disk and OS as often as you can. You may schedule these programs to run at times
when you are not using your computer. You can use those that are provided free with your OS, or buy the more powerful
dedicated programs to do so.
• Write down your passwords and keep them safe (away from your computer).
• Keep copies of vital settings files such as network, dialup settings, mail settings etc. (even if just brief notes).

The CPU is not a user serviceable part. Opening this compartment, or accessing the CPU in any way,
may violate your warranty.


• Install an Anti-Virus program and keep the definitions file (the file which tells your program which viruses to look for) up
to date. New computer viruses are discovered daily, and some of them may seriously harm your computer and cause you
to lose data. Anti-Virus programs are commercially available and the definitions file updates are usually downloadable
directly from the internet.
• Be careful when opening e-mail from sources you don’t know. Viruses are often triggered from within e-mail attachments
so take care when opening any attached file. You can configure most Anti-Virus programs to check all e-mail attachments.
Note: You should also beware of files from people you know as the virus may have infected an address book and been
automatically forwarded without the person’s knowledge.
• Keep a “Boot Floppy Disk” (this disk provides basic information which allows you to startup your computer) handy. You may
refer to your OS’s documentation for instructions on how to make one, and many Anti-Virus programs will also provide such
a disk (or at least instructions on how to make one).
• Thoroughly check any recent changes you made to your system as these changes may affect one or more system
components, or software programs. If possible, go back and undo the change you just made and see if the problem still occurs.
• Don’t over complicate things. The less you have to deal with then the easier the source of the problem may be found;
Example - if your computer has many devices plugged into its ports, and a number of programs running, then it will be

Содержание Visconte 125W

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Страница 12: ...ivated to activate press Fn ScrLk Green The Wireless LAN module is powered on Orange The Bluetooth module is powered on Green The computer is on Blinking Green The computer is in standby mode Orange The battery is being charged Green The battery is fully charged Blinking Orange The battery has reached critically low power status CommunicationConflict Do not try to use the Wireless LAN module and t...

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Страница 17: ... between the lid LCD and the work panel They could damage or scratch the LCD and or accidentally activate the close cover switch DynamicVideoMemoryTechnology Intel DVMTautomaticallyanddynamicallyallocatesasmuch upto64MB systemmemory RAM asneededtothevideo system DVMTreturnswhatevermemoryisnolongerneededtotheoperatingsystem System Memory Maximum Memory Allocated for Graphics by DVMT 0MB 127MB Not S...

Страница 18: ... larger than what you can see on the LCD MakingAdjustmentsfortheDisplay ThehighertheresolutionyousettheLCDfor themoreinformationtheLCDcandisplayonscreen TochangetheLCD s resolutionandcolordepthgototheDisplayPropertiescontrolpanel 1 ClickStart pointtoSettings orjustclickControlPanel andclickControlPanel ifyouareinCategoryViewchoose AppearanceandThemes 2 Double clickDisplay icon 3 IntheDisplayProper...

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Страница 20: ... then be able to browse to this file Display Devices Besidesthebuilt inLCD youcanalsouseanexternalmonitor CRT asyourdisplaydevice Amonitorconnectstotheexternal monitor VGA port 1 Switching EnablingDisplays Keyboard YoucanswitchdisplaydeviceswiththeFn Display F7 toggle Withthevideodriverinstalled youalsocanuseitsbuilt incontrolstoswitchthedisplayoptions Toswitchthedisplayoptions 1 Plugthemonitorint...

Страница 21: ...iththesamecontent Usethisfeaturetodisplaythescreenthroughaprojectorfor apresentation ExtendedDesktop Thismodeallowsadesktoptospanmultipledisplaysandactsasalargeworkspace Thiscreatesalotmorescreenareafor display UsetheDisplayPropertiescontrolpaneltodragthemonitorstomatchthephysicalarrangementyouwishtouse oryoumayalsousetheExtendedDesktopSettingscontrolpaneltabinIntel R 82852 82855GM GMEGraphicsCont...

Страница 22: ...els YoucanalsoenabletheExtendedDesktopmodefromtheDisplayPropertiescontrolpanel Device Settings Extended Desktop You can have different Colors Screen Area and Monitor Refresh Rates for each display device provided your monitor can support them You can drag the monitor icons to match the physical layout of your displays Icons and programs may also be dragged between the displays ToEnableExtendedDesk...

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Страница 24: ...odeandShutdownarethesameinthatthesystemisoffandyouneedtopressthepowerbuttontoturniton Theirmaindifferenceis Whenyoucomebackfromhibernation youcanreturntowhereyoulastleftoff whatwasonyourdesktop without reopeningtheapplication s andfile s youlastused Youcanuseeithermethoddependingonyourneeds StandbyModevs HibernateMode Ifyouwanttostayawayfromyourworkforjustawhile youcanputthesystemonstandbyinsteado...

Страница 25: ...ode when the lid when I close the lid of my portable computer of the computer is closed the close cover switch acts as a sensor to tell when the lid LCD panel is closed the system will not resume normal operation when the lid is opened Press a key on the keyboard to resume operation Battery Information Pleasefollowthesesimpleguidelinestogetthebestuseoutofyourbattery NewBattery Alwayscompletelydisc...

Страница 26: ...nservingBatteryPower Toconservebatterypower LowerthebrightnessleveloftheLCDdisplay ThesystemwilldecreaseLCDbrightnessslightlytosave powerwhenitisnotpoweredbytheACadapter Closemodemorcommunicationapplicationswhentheyarenotbeingused RemoveanyunusedPCCardsfromthecomputer PCCardsquicklyuseupbatterypowerevenifthe systementerssleepmode Disconnectanyunnecessaryexternaldevices PC Camera APCCameramoduleisp...

Страница 27: ...s TakingStillPictures You may take still pictures in theWindows XP operating system only Double click the My Computer icon on the desktop or go the Start menu and point to My Computer then click it Double click the CMM PC Camera icon Click Take a new picture in the Camera Tasks box AMCAP AMCAPisavideoviewerusefulforgeneralpurposevideoviewingandtesting andcancapturevideofilesto aviformat 1 RuntheAM...

Страница 28: ...elpful to defragment the HDD before capture EliminatingScreenFlicker IfyoufindthatthevideoscreenintheAMCAPprogramisflickering youcantrytoadjusttheoptionfromtheVideoCapture Filteroptions 1 RuntheAMCAPprogramfromtheStart Programs AllPrograms CMMPCCameramenu 2 GotoOptionsandscrolldowntoselect VideoCaptureFilter 3 Youcanchooseeither50Hzor60HzfromtheNoFlickerbox Intel PRO Wireless Mini PCI WLAN Module ...

Страница 29: ...dApplicationnote BluetoothDriverAudioSetup Win2000 AfterinstallingtheBluetoothdriverinWindows2000youmaynolongerhearanysound norseetheVolumeiconinthe taskbar Ifthisisthecasethenfollowthisprocedure 1 GototheSounds MultimediaControlPanel StartMenuandpointtoSettingsandclickControlPanelthendouble click theSounds Multimediaicon 2 ClicktheAudiotab 3 IntheSoundPlaybackandSoundRecordingmenuschooseRealtekAC...

Страница 30: ...ows BIOS Utilities The Power On Self Test POST Eachtimeyouturnonthecomputer thesystemtakesafewsecondstoconductaPOST includingaquicktestoftheon board RAM memory AsthePOSTproceeds thecomputerwilltellyouifthereisanythingwrong Ifthereisaproblemthatpreventsthesystem frombooting itwilldisplayasystemsummaryandpromptyoutorunSetup Iftherearenoproblems theSetupprompt Press F2 toenterSETUP willdisappearandth...

Страница 31: ...edF2tooquickly justpressF2again Ifthecomputerisalreadyon rebootusing theCtrl Alt DeletecombinationandthenholddownF2 orEnterwhenyouseetheLogostartupscreen whenprompted Setup smainmenuwillappear SetupScreens ThefollowingpagescontainadditionaladviceonportionsoftheSetup Alongthetopofthescreenisamenubarwithmenu headings Whenyouselectaheading anewscreenappears Scrollthroughthefeatureslistedoneachscreent...

Страница 32: ...hichcontrolstheharddiskandopticaldevices Itissetto Both bydefault USBAllDevicesControl 2 0FunctionControl AdvancedMenu Thisoptionallowsyoutodisable enablealltheUSBportsifnecessary USBAllDevicesControl orjustfunctionalityforUSB 2 0 USB2 0FunctionControl ifnecessary Theseareall Enabled bydefault LegacyUSBSupport AdvancedMenu Choose Enabled ifyouintendtouseUSBdevicesinsystemswhichdonotnormallysupport...

Страница 33: ...type the existing password Then press Enter for the new password without typing any password entry and Enter again to confirm the password clearance Boot Menu Boot Menu Whenyouturnthecomputeronitwilllookforanoperatingsystem e gWindowsXP fromthedeviceslistedinthismenu andinthisorder Ifitcannotfindtheoperatingsystemonthatdevice itwilltrytoloaditfromthenextdeviceintheorder specifiedintheBootMenu Boot...

Страница 34: ...N ifrequired Configuring the Network Boot Protocol ThesystemsupportsbootingfromFDD HDD CDorLAN network Tobootfromanetwork Followthefullinstructionsin thesidebartoconfigurethenetworkbootprotocol Exit Menu Choosingto DiscardChanges or ExitDiscardingChanges willwipeoutanychangesyouhavemadetotheSetup Youcan alsochoosetorestoretheoriginalSetupDefaultswhichwillreturntheSetuptoitsoriginalstateanderaseany...

Страница 35: ...keepthemsafe awayfromyourcomputer Keepcopiesofvitalsettingsfilessuchasnetwork dialupsettings mailsettingsetc evenifjustbriefnotes Warranty The CPU is not a user serviceable part Opening this compartment or accessing the CPU in any way may violate your warranty Viruses InstallanAnti Virusprogramandkeepthedefinitionsfile thefilewhichtellsyourprogramwhichvirusestolookfor up todate Newcomputervirusesa...

Страница 36: ...trol Panel in Windows and re enable the options A peripheral device or PC Card is consuming a lot of power Turn off the unused device to save power The computer feels too hot Make sure the computer is properly ventilated and the vents fan intakes are not blocked If this doesn t cool it down put the system into Hibernate mode or turn it off for an hour Make sure the computer isn t sitting on a ther...

Страница 37: ...enable it automatically However special functions hot keys unique to the system s regular keyboard may not work Operation Problem Possible Cause Solution The system freezes or the screen The system s power saving features have timed out Use the AC adapter press the goes dark sleep Fn F4 key combination or press the power button if no LEDs are lit A software conflict made the system crash Consult y...

Страница 38: ...eL2Cache 400MHzFrontSideBus 1 5A 1 6A 1 7A 1 8GHz Intel Celeron MProcessor 478 pin µFCPGAPackage µ0 13 0 13MicronProcessTechnology 512KBOn dieL2Cache 400MHzFrontSideBus 1 2 1 3 1 4GHz Intel Celeron MProcessor 478 pin µFCPGAPackage µ0 09 0 09MicronProcessTechnology 512KBOn dieL2Cache 400MHzFrontSideBus 1 3 1 4GHz Core Logic Intel855GME Intel82801DBM ICH4 M Chipset Structure 2Spindle CompliantPC2001...

Страница 39: ...neRJ 45Jack LocalAreaNetwork 10 100BASE TCompatible VideoCameraModule FactoryOption IntegratedV 90 56KMDCModem V 92Compliant MDC BluetoothComboModule FactoryOption Intel PROWireless 2100MiniPCII F802 11bWirelessLANModule Optional ORIntel PROWireless2200BGMiniPCII F802 11b gWireless LANModule Optional Indicators LEDIndicators WirelessOn Off HDDActivity Suspend PowerOn AC In BatteryCharging BatteryF...

Страница 40: ...tional DVD ROMDriveModule CD RWDriveModule DVD CD RWComboDriveModule DVD RWDriveModule DVD RWDrive Module DualDVDDriveModule SoftwareDVDPlayer VideoCameraModule MDC BluetoothComboModule Intel PRO Wireless2100MiniPCII F802 11b WirelessLANModuleORIntel PROWireless2200BGMiniPCII F802 11b gWirelessLAN Module ...
