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Installation Guide
Wood Stud Installation
Place the wall plate against the wall in the desired viewing location.
Use a pencil to mark the upper right mounting location along the center of
the wall stud.
Directional Mounting Arrow
The Directional Mounting Arrow stamped into the top of the P4263T wall
mount indicates which edge is the top.
You must secure the wall plate to two (2) wall studs with a minimum of four (4) lag bolts
(2 lag bolts for each stud found).
1) Use a stud finder to determine the center of wall studs in the vicinity of the wall plate.
2) Use a pencil to mark the center of each of the wall studs.
Vous devez assembler la sablière sur deux (2) rivets de mur avec un minimum
de quatre (4) tirefonds (2 tirefonds pour chaque rivet trouvé).
Minimum of 2 by 4 wood stud to be used
Minimum de 2 par 4 bois goujon pour être utilisé
Drill a “pilot hole” in the center of the upper right mark using a 1/4” drill bit and
power drill.
Only use a 1/4″ drill bit when drilling the pilot holes.
N’utiliser qu’un foret de 1/4˝ lors du forage de guidage.
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