Operation of the Digital Multimeter as TALKER
(18, 20)
"Pxx" Mathematical program No. xx selected
"P01" Offset
"P02" ax + b
"P03" Ratio
"P04" % Deviation
"P05" dB
"P06" dBm
(21, 22)
"A0" Autoranging switched off
"A1" Autoranging switched on
(23, 24)
"Rx" Measuring range "x" is set
x = 1
300mV, 300
, 200µA
x = 2
3V, 3 k
, 2mA
x = 3
30V, 30 k
, 20 mA
x = 4
300V, 300 k
, 200 mA
x = 5
1000V, 3 M
, 2 A
x = 6
30 M
(25, 26)
"Fx" Filter selection
x=0 Filter off
x=1 Average value filter on
x=2 Automatic filter on
x=3 Fast Automatic Filter on
(27, 28)
"Tx" Integration time "x" is set
TZ 10 msec for frequency measurement only
T0 20 msec 5 ½ digits
T1 40 msec 5 ½ digits
T2 100 msec 5 ½ digits
T3 200 msec 6 ½ digits
T4 400 msec 6 ½ digits
T5 1 sec
6 ½ digits
T6 2 sec
7 ½ digits
T7 4 sec
7 ½ digits
T8 10 sec
7 ½ digits
T9 20 sec
7 ½ digits
TA 40 sec
7 ½ digits
TB 100 sec 7 ½ digits