PD6701 Field-Mount Loop-Powered Feet & Inches Level Meter
Instruction Manual
Alarm Output (
The PD6701 is equipped with an NPN open collector
output that may be set up for high or low alarm trip
point based on the level display (
) or the volume
scale (
). The output may be disabled by
When the alarm is enabled for level and the alarm set
point has been reached, the level display will flash,
accompanied by the lower display alternating
between normal display and
. A tank height
indicator segment will flash at the level the alarm is
set to while the level indicator is at or above the alarm
When the alarm is enabled for volume and the alarm
set point has been reached, the lower display will
flash, alternating between its normal display and
To set a high alarm, program the set point value to be
greater than the reset point.
To set a low alarm, program the set point value to be
less than the reset point.
To acknowledge an alarm, press the
once for acknowledge prompt and a second time to
confirm. Acknowledging an alarm will turn off the
alarm output and stop the display from flashing. The
lower display will continue to alternate between its
normal display and ALARM until the alarm condition is
The alarm status will show on the display even if the
output is not wired.
Input Signal Filter (
The noise filter is available for unusually noisy signals
that cause an unstable process variable display. The
noise filter averages the input signal over a certain
period. The filter level can be set to low (
), medium
), high (
), or off (
). The higher the filter
setting, the longer the averaging time and so the
longer the display may take to find its final value.
The filter contains a noise filter bypass feature so that
while small variations in the signal will be filtered out,
large, abrupt changes to the input signal are
displayed immediately.
Volume Display Scaling (
Volume may be scaled as a function of the feet and
inches level display. It may use up to 32-point
linearization. The multi-point linearization can be used
to linearize the display for non-linear signals such as
those from level transmitters used to measure volume
in odd-shaped tanks.
To display the volume, select a lower display
including the volume display in the
menu as
) on
To scale the volume display, enter the level in feet
and inches for input 1, and then the corresponding
volume display value. Do the same for input 2.
After entering the display 2 value, confirm the new
volume scale by pressing
at the