Installation of PReset
Before installing PReset, previous versions must first be uninstalled. During the
uninstall process there will be an option to save existing configuration files. If
this option is not accepted, then these files will be deleted during the uninstall
PReset will be installed on your hard disk and the registry will be updated with
all necessary information on the program. A PReset icon will automatically be
placed on the desk top.
1. Download PReset version 6.0 or later from www.prelectronics.com.
Note that this is in the form of a zip file.
2. Unzip the file to the desired location.
3. To start the installation, double click the setup.exe file. When the
installation program has been started, on-screen guidelines will guide
you through the rest of the installation.
The following is an example of PReset installation on Windows® 7
Note: To install PReset on Windows 7 it is necessary to be a local administrator
on the PC.