Doc. No.
5335QI01 V4R0
Installation notes
General installation instructions
The sensor circuit is not infallibly galvanic isolated from the supply output circuit. However, the
galvanic isolation between the circuits is capable of withstanding a test voltage of 500Vac
during 1 minute.
If the enclosure is made of aluminium, it must be installed such, that even in the event of rare
incidents, ignition sources due to impact and friction, sparks are excluded.
If the enclosure is made of non-metallic materials or painted metals electrostatic charging shall
be avoided
For installation in a potentially explosive gas atmosphere, the following instructions apply:
The transmitter shall be mounted in an enclosure form B according to DIN43729 or equivalent
that is providing a degree of protection of at least IP20 according to IEC 60529 that is suitable
for the application and correctly installed.
For installation in a potentially explosive dust atmosphere, the following instructions apply:
The transmitter shall be mounted in a metal enclosure form B according to DIN43729 or
equivalent, that is providing a degree of protection of at least IP6X according to IEC 60529 that
is suitable for the application and correctly installed.
Cable entries and blanking elements shall be used that are suitable for the application and
correctly installed.
For installalation in mines the following instructions apply:
The transmitter shall be mounted in a metal enclosure that is providing a degree of protection
of at least IP6X according to IEC 60529, and is suitable for the application and correctly
Cable entries and blanking elements shall be used that are suitable for the application and
correctly installed
If the enclosure is made of aluminium, it must be installed such, that even in the event of rare
incidents, ignition sources due to impact and friction, sparks are excluded.
If the enclosure is made of non-metallic materials or painted metals electrostatic charging shall
be avoided.
The enclosure shall not contain by mass more than
a) 15 % in total of aluminium, magnesium, titanium and zirconium, and
b) 7,5 % in total of magnesium, titanium and zirconium.