The UPS is designed for durable, automatic operation and also alert you whenever
potential operating problems may occur. Usually the alarms shown by the control panel
do not mean that the output power is affected. Instead, they are preventive alarms
intended to alert the user.
Events are silent status information that are recorded into the Event log. Example =
"Battery charging".
Alarms are recorded into the Event log and displayed on the LCD status screen with
the logo blinking. Some alarms may be announced by a beep every 1 second.
Example = "Battery low".
Faults are announced by a continuous beep and red LED, recorded into the Event
log. Example = Output short circuit.
Use the following troubleshooting chart to determine the UPS alarm condition.
Typical alarms and faults
To check the fault log or event log:
Click on “Menu” icon
Click on
Click on “Fault” icon
Last 5 faults, blank list if no fault