Settings | 23
9 : 12.DSP Settings: Channel setup
9 : 12.1. Auxiliary delay
This delay is a further input delay: it acts before the input
EQ and is independent from the input EQ stage.
9 : 12.2. Diagnostics
The diagnostics tool allows the user to program and test
the integrity of the input and/or output line.
The input test is based on the detection of a pure tone
(generated by an external tone generator) on any input
The output test reliess on the measurement of the
impedance at a well defined frequency: the amplifier
can generate a pure tone and measure the voltage and
current at the generated tone frequency. It is therefore
possible to recalculate the impedance at that specific
When an alarm condition is met, the user can be informed
of the event via software or directly from the amplifier.
9 : 12.2.1. Tone in alarm
The tone in alarm can measure the integrity of any in-
put line feeding signal into the amplifier. This detector can
measure a tone applied by an external generator.
Tone in alarm
: enable/disable the input tone detection
Tone in freq
: the frequency of the tone that has to be
detected (range 20 Hz - 24 kHz, step of 10 Hz).
Tone in Vmin
: the minimun thershold value that has
been detected (range 0 V
- 4 V
, step of 10 mV
Tone in Vmax
: the maximum threshold value that has
been detected (range 0 V
- 4 V
, step of 10 mV
9 : 12.2.2. Tone out gen
The inner tone generator allows the user to generate a
tone that can be used to check the integrity of the output
line. This tone should be used outside of the freqeuncy
bandwidth of the driven speaker to avoid can be listen.
Tone out gen
: enable/disable the internal generator.
Tone out ampl
: the output voltage of th generator
(range 0 V
- 20 V
, step of 1 V
Tone out freq
: the frequency of the tone that has to be
generated and eventually detected (range 20 Hz - 24
kHz, step of 10 Hz).
9 : 12.2.3. Tone out alarm
The output tone detection can measure the presence of
a tone generated by an external or internal generator.
Tone out alarm
: enable/disable the output tone detec-
Tone out Vmin
: the minimun detected threshold volt-
age value (range 0 V
- 20 V
, step of 1 V
Tone out Vmax
: the maximum detected threshold volt-
age value (range 0 V
- 20 V
, step of 1 V
9 : 12.2.4. Load Alarm
The output Load Monitor allows to detect the impedance
load at a certain frequency. The high resolution algorithm
implemented in this tool allows accurate measures.
Load alarm
: enable/disable the impedance detection.
Load Zmin
: the minimun allowed impedance threshold
value (range 0 Ω - 500 Ω, step of 0.1 Ω ).
Load Zmax
: the maximum allowed impedance thresh-
old value (range 0 Ω - 500 Ω, step of 0.1 Ω ).
9 : 12.2.5. Measures
Pressing the button measures gives access to a sub
menu where the various amplifier readings are available.
Tone in
: measurements of the input tone at the se-
lected frequency.
Tone out
: measurements of the output tone at the se-
lected frequency.
Z load
: measurements of the load at the selected fre-
9 : 13.DSP Settings: Input EQ
This menu allows to turn on / turn off the input process-
ing block. This can be useful when resetting the amplifier to
the original “output processing only” behavior without using
any software.
Turning off the Input EQ, all input processing set up us-
ing, for example, the Armonía Audio Suite can be bypassed
at once.
It is advisable to save amplifier presets with this setting
turned off: in this way when loading presets the user can be
sure that only the output processing is enabled. The burden
of re-enabling and setting up input processing is left to the
remote control software.
9 : 14.DSP Settings: Reset input section
This operation disables the input processing (input EQ,
input gain and delay) and resets the aux delay to zero.
9 : 15.DSP Settings: Reset output section
This function disables all output EQ, limiters and damp-
ing functions.
Warning: this operation may potentially
damage connected speakers.
Pay special attention to shutting down any audio source
before using this function.