Inside upper thigh (5)
Sit on the floor and place your feet in such a way that your knees are facing outwards. Pull your feet
as close as possible to your groin. Now press your knees carefully downwards. Maintain this position
for 30-40 seconds if possible.
Touch toes (6)
Bend your trunk slowly forwards and try to touch your feet with your hands. Reach down as far as
possible to your toes. Maintain this position for 20-30 seconds if possible.
Exercises for the knees (7)
Sit on the floor and stretch out your right leg. Bend your left leg and place your foot on your right
upper thigh. Now try to reach your right foot with your right arm. Maintain this position for 30-40
seconds if possible.
Exercises for the calves achilles tendon (8)
Place both your hands on the wall and support your full body weight. Then move your left and right
leg alternately backwards. This stretches the back part of the leg. Maintain this position for 30-40
seconds if possible.
Batteries do not belong in your household waste. Users are required by law to return used batteries.
For proper disposal of batteries, you can find designated disposal containers in specialized shops as
well as in municipal collecting facilities. This is a solid contribution to the protection of the
environment. Since 1998, the decree on batteries requires all citizens to dispose used batteries only
via these specialized shops or collecting facilities. Specialized shops and manufactures are obliged to
accept used batteries in return and re-use them in accordance to the decree or dispose of them as
dangerous waste. If you wish to return your used batteries to us, you can mail them to our address in
an adequately stamped envelope.