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Sequence of Operation
1. Upon closure of the Flash-Enable switch, the ABF10 has a delay of approximately 1
second to allow the regulator to build voltage if able and to prevent accidental flashing of
the field once voltage has built to a suitable level.
2. After the delay has elapsed, the relay will close and apply battery voltage to the exciter
field. The green “Flash” light will illuminate during this time.
3. As the generator terminal voltage builds, the relay will drop out at approximately 10-
15VAC on the sensing leads. The green “Flash” light will go dark and the “Operating”
light will illuminate at this time. The voltage regulator should operate and raise terminal
voltage to the regulator’s setpoint
Initial Setup and Commissioning
1. Connect the ABF10 to the exciter field as shown in the instructions on Page 5, or to a
slave relay as shown on Page 6.
2. Verify wiring connections and start the generator.
3. Close the “Flash Enable” switch and observe that the terminal voltage rises. During the
flashing process, the red “Flash” indicator lamp will glow. When the ABF10 disengages,
the “Flash” lamp will stop glowing and the green “Operating” lamp will glow above 40vac.
4. After voltage has built up and the generator is operating, the “Flash Enable” switch may
be released or disconnected, or it may remain energized at the operator’s discretion.
12V B+
24V B+