Power Systems Inc.
Copyright © 2005 by Power Systems Inc.
Rev B 10/07
Reverse Lunge
Starting position: Stand in front of the VersaRoll™, bend your left knee behind you while
placing the left shin on the VersaRoll™. Your right knee is straight, but not locked out.
Place your arms out to the sides for balance.
Action: Bend your right knee until it is at 90 degrees of flexion. Then extend your knee,
until it is straight, but not locked, before returning to the starting position. Repeat 10
times and then switch lead legs, positioning your left leg in the front.
Starting position: Lie prone (facing downward) with the VersaRoll™ positioned in the
middle of your torso.
Action: Lift your right arm and left leg until they are both parallel to the floor. Keep the
lifted arm and leg straight and hold this position for 1-3 seconds and then relax. (Do not
forget to breathe). Alternate sides: lift your left arm and right leg. Perform a total of 10