Power Systems, Inc.
Copyright © 2004 by Power Systems, Inc.
Rev A 10/2007
The Power Systems brand CorDisc™ is designed to
maximize total body balance and to target the large
muscle groups and the auxiliary stabilizing muscles.
Can be used for lying, kneeling, sitting, standing and
for stepping movements.
Starting position: Stand with both feet on the CorDisc™ and balance. Pull the
abdominal muscles in.
Action: Bending the knees and bending forward at the waist, sit back into a
squat position. Do not allow the knees to protrude over the toes. Keep the knees
lined up over the ankles. Return to the starting position. Do 10 reps.
Variations: (1) Place one foot on the CorDisc™ and the other one on the floor.
Continue action as stated above. (2) Add hand weights or weighted bar.
Side Plank
Starting position and Action: Place one elbow and forearm
on the CorDisc™. Turn the body sideways with the weight
on the elbow and arm. Keep the body in a straight line.
Contract abdominals and isolate core muscles. Keep hips
lifted. Count to 10. Repeat on the other side.
Variation: From the side plank position, lift up the top leg
and hold.
Abdominal Crunch
Starting position: Sit on the CorDisc™. Bend the knees up so that
the feet are flat on the floor. Do not lie down. Place fingertips
behind head with the elbows out to the side or cross. Contract
Action: Working from the abdominals, lift the upper body toward
the knees (crunch) and return to the starting position. Do 10 reps.
Variation: Sit on the CorDisc™ and bring the feet off the floor.
Knees remain bent and are lifted up. Hands are behind the head.
Body is in a V shape. Crunch the upper and lower body together
and return to starting position. Do 10 reps.
Push up
Starting position: Place one or both hands on the CorDisc™ and
bring the rest of the body into a modified pushup (knees bent) or
military–style pushup (fully extended, supported on the toes)
Action: Bend the elbows and lower the upper body toward the
floor. Pause and return to the starting position.