water which results in water scale elimination in boilers, water networks, flushing toilets
mechanism and so on. The treated water has the unchanged chemical properties therefore remains
potable and hygienic.
+ HardWaterDescaler can be installed directly by the user without the need of special
technical help. Install the device according to the pictures in this manual. The pipe material does
not have influence on the proper functioning of the device.
Installation procedure (see pictures on the front page):
The device can be mounted on the horizontal, vertical or leaning pipeline. It only requires
approximately 300 mm of straight part of pipe.
1. step
- choose the place of installation. According to the placement of pipeline (horizontal or
vertical), stick the two anchors on the device in one of two possible ways (see the pictures below):
on the back side of the
device - if the pipeline is situated
horizontally, stick the clips in
horizontal position.
on the back side of the device
– if the pipeline is situated vertically, stick
the clips in vertical position.
2. step -
put the straps through the anchors. Fix the device on the pipe with the straps.
3. step -
fix the beginnings of the two cables with the straps onto the pipe close to the device – the
right cable (which is situated in a lower position) to the right side close to the bottom of the pipe,
left cable (which is situated in a higher position) to the left side close to the top of the pipe (see the
picture on the front page or on the last page of this manual)
4. step
- wrap the right cable around the pipe. Start wrapping the right cable underneath the pipe
and continue turning in counter clockwise direction until there are 13 turnovers together that serve
as coil. Fix the end of the coil with a strap.
5. step
- wrap the left cable around the pipe. Start wrapping the left cable over the pipe and
continue turning in clockwise direction so that there are 13 turnovers together that serve as coil.
Fix the end of the coil with a strap.
6. step
- if the free ends of cables are too long, cut them to the required distance.
7. step
- conductively connect both ends of both cables with the connector that is included in the
delivery. Place both ends of cables into connector from the opposite sides and squeeze the
connector with the pliers.
8. step -
plug the device into the power supply. The blue LED diode lights up. This indicates
correct function of device.