www.posey.com 1.800.447.6739
Posey Bed 8060
Entrapment risks for certain at-risk patients include canopy gaps. Raising the head of the Posey Bed 8060
will create “gaps” or “pockets” between the head of the bed and the canopy. These areas can cause an
extreme risk of serious injury or death from entrapment to certain at-risk patients. At-risk patients are:
Patients who, because of mental or physical disability, cannot reposition or remove him or
herself from a confined area in the bed.
Any patient identified by the doctor, the care plan, or Interdisciplinary Healthcare Team (IDHT)
to be at risk of entrapment in the gaps created when the head of the bed is up.
For at-risk patients,
use Posey Filler Cushions (Catalog # 8021) or Posey Torso Cushions (Catalog
# 8025). Refer to pages 7, 12 and 13 for detailed information about reducing entrapment risks, and the
use of Posey Filler Cushions and Posey Torso Cushions.
leave side rails in the up position when the patient
compartment is closed. A failure to follow this warning may result in
serious injury or death from entrapment in the side rails, or between
the mattress and the side rails. The risk of entrapment is even greater
when the head of the bed is raised. These zones pose an extreme risk
of serious injury or death from entrapment. An agitated or aggressive
patient is also at risk of injury from contacting the side rails when they
are in the up position.
To help reduce the risk of entrapment,
put side rails down when leaving a patient alone to reduce
the risk of entrapment and serious patient injury or death. Side rails should ONLY be used as an aid to
assist a patient in or out of bed, or to help prevent a patient fall while providing bedside care.
In case of a patient emergency, immediately address the patient’s needs or remove the patient from the
bed. Contact the doctor or call 911.
Importance of Patient Monitoring
If possible, the Posey Company recommends a caregiver sleep in the same room as the patient. If you
cannot be physically present to monitor the patient, you MUST use a device, such as a child monitor, for
CONSTANT audio and/or video monitoring. Test to be sure that you can hear low levels of activity in the
room. Failure to do so could result in serious injury or death.
Filler Cushions
Special Considerations for Home Care Environments