www.posey.com 1.800.447.6739
Posey Bed 8060
This User’s Manual is intended as a guide for those using the Posey Bed 8060 in the care of patients, and
who have successfully completed training. Proper training in the use of the Posey Bed 8060 is important and
is provided by your authorized Posey Bed dealer or Posey Company sales representative.
In addition to this manual, you should also review:
The Assembly Instructions
The In-Service Training Manual
The symbols below are used throughout this manual and should be read carefully.
A warning alerts you to a safety hazard or unsafe practice, which, if not avoided, could result in serious
injury or death.
A caution alerts you to a hazard, which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury to you or the
patient, or damage to the Posey Bed.
A note provides helpful information to make bed use easier and more efficient.
The following words have specific meaning when used in this manual:
Biohazardous –
material that is contaminated with human blood, tissues, certain body fluids, recombinant
DNA or pathogens. Check with the patient’s doctor if you have any questions about this hazard.
Care Plan –
the patient’s individualized care plan (ICP) as written by the IDHT (see below).
Interdisciplinary Healthcare Team (IDHT) –
the team that writes the care plan (or ICP) and supervises
patient care. Team members may include, among others, doctors, nurses, occupational therapy staff,
physical therapy personnel and social services workers.
Entrapment –
an event in which a patient is caught, trapped or entangled in a confined space. This can
result in serious injury or death from suffocation, compressions or lack of proper blood flow.
Please call the Posey Company Customer Support at 1.800.447.6739 between 6:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.,
Pacific time, or contact your authorized bed dealer.
How to Use this Manual