NAR-5050/5070 Series User
s Manual
;Disable WDT Step 3 : Read SWC I/O Base Address
;( Index-60h contains A15---A8, Index-61h contains A7---A0 )
mov dx,Index_IO_Port
; Read Index 60h
mov al,60h
out dx,al
mov dx,Data_IO_Port
in al,dx
mov bh,al
; High Byte I/O Base Addr --> BH
mov dx,Index_IO_Port
mov al,61h
; Read Index 60h
out dx,al
mov dx,Data_IO_Port
in al,dx
mov bl,al
; High Byte I/O Base Addr --> BL
mov dx,bx
; Load Base Addr to DX
;Disable WDT Step 4 : Select Bank3 of SWC ( Offset-0fh_Bit[1,0]P[1,1] )
add dx,0fh
; Point to ( I/O Base Addr + 0fh )
in al,dx
; Read this I/O port value first
or al,03
; Select Bank 3 of SWC
out dx,al
sub dx,0fh
; dx back to I/O base Addr.
;Disable WDT Step 5 : Disable SW_WD_TREN ( Offset-12h_Bit7P0 )
;Not allow S/W to trigger WDT
xor bx,bx
mov bl,WDCFG
add dx,bx
; Point to WDCFG offset
in al,dx
; Read this I/O port value first
and al,7Fh
; WDCFG_bit7P0. ( Disable SW_WD_TREN )
out dx,al
sub dx,bx
; dx back to I/O base Addr.
;Disable WDT Step 6 : Disable SW_WD_TRG ( Offset-10h_Bit7P0 ) ,
;Inactivate WDT counting.
xor bx,bx
mov bl,WDCTL
add dx,bx
; Point to WDCTL offset
in al,dx
; Read this I/O port value first
and al,7Fh
; WDCTL_bit7P0. ( Disable SW_WD_TRG )
out dx,al
sub dx,bx
; dx back to I/O base Addr.