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Item 56808
Operating instructions
read the EntirE iMpOrtant SaFEty inFOrMatiOn section at the beginning of this manual
including all text under subheadings therein before set up or use of this product.
• Before operating the gardening appliance, put on ANSI-approved safety goggles, hard hat
and other safety gear. Safety goggles and other safety gear are sold separately.
• If an extension cord is used, ensure that it is an outdoor type extension cord
and that it is the correct design to accept this appliance’s plug.
WarninG! tO prEVEnt ElEctric SHOcK anD SEriOUS pErSOnal inJUry:
the extension cord must remain secured to the appliance’s plug. Secure the extension cord by
either using the knot method explained in the safety warning section, or by using a device
designed specifically for retaining the extension cord.
Workpiece and Work area Set Up
1. Designate a work area that is clean and well lit.
The work area must not allow access by children
or pets to prevent distraction and injury.
2. Route the extension cord along a safe route to reach
the work area without creating a tripping hazard or
exposing the extension cord to possible damage.
The extension cord must reach the work area with
enough extra length to allow free movement while
working. Position the cord so that it will not be
caught on branches and the like during cutting.
3. Secure the extension cord by passing it
through Cord Clip Access Hole,then looping
cord over Cord Clip,
so there will be no
tension on the connection between the
Power Cord and the extension cord.
cord clip
4. There must not be objects, such as utility lines,
nearby that will present a hazard while working.