9.Deflate With a Manual Pump
1.About PVC
2.Air Leak Detection
3.Small Repairs
Remember to step on the pump securely, to prevent slipping.
Your new stand up paddleboard is made from a durable PVC. If a tear or puncture
does occur, PVC is very easy to repair. Repairs are easily done with your included
patch kit.
Read the following paragraphs for leak detection and repair tips.
If the board is losing air pressure not caused by colder temperature, then check for
leaks. Start with the valve.
Punctures less than 1/8" in size can be repaired simply without a patch. Deflate your
board, then clean and dry the area to be repaired. Apply a small drop of glue to
cover the puncture, and let it dry 12 hours.
A leaking valve is rare, but if you did find one, please contacts us via
[email protected]. Your paddleboard comes with 1 year quality warranty.
If you continue to have problems it's probably time to order a replacement valve kit
or a new model. Replacement of the whole valve can be done with a simple tool that
comes with the replacement valve kit.
If your board needs repair, use the patches in the repair kit and follow these steps:
Deflate the board completely, lay it flat and wait for it to dry.
Cut a patch that is 2 inches larger than the tear/rip all the way around.
Use alcohol to clean the repair area.
Apply three coats of adhesive to the patch and the board. Wait 5 minutes in between
each coat.
Place the patch over the tear/rip. The adhesive will react quickly, so make sure the
positioning is precise/accurate. Use the roller to ensure the patch lays flat and even.
Wait 24 hours before re-inflating the board.