U:\Instructions - CURRENT\Lifts\A3 LIFT INST 1265 V FLB.doc
PG 4 OF 11
Find the four bunk mounting angles (1 ¾” X 1 ¾” X 9” angle with multiple holes),
(REF. # 12)
. Bolt the
angles to the bed as shown using 3/8” X 3” X 3 1/6” U-Bolts, washers, & nuts
(REF. # 28. 21 & 23)
. Leave loose at
this time.
Set the bunk assembly
(REF. # 12)
on the bunk mounting angles. With the tabs on the bunk assembly to
the outside of the angles. Bolt in place with 3/8” X 1 ½” bolts, washers, and locknuts
(REF. # 29,
21, & 22).
tightening the bolts, tip the bunks to the center of the bed. Adjust bunks to the desired width then tighten the nuts on
the U-bolts.