Judging by the car you have chosen, you are les", "Warranty for new Porsche vehicle emis- For your own protection and longer service
a motorist of a special breed, and you are pro- sion control system", "Emissions performance life of your car, please heed all operating
bably no novice when it comes to automo- warranty" (USA only), and "California emission instructions and special warnings. Ignoring
biles. control system warranty" (California USA only). them could result in serious mechanical
failure or even physical injury.
Remember however that, as with any ve- In order to keep your warranty in effect, you
hicle, you should take time to familiarize must have the vehicle maintained and ser-
yourself with your Porsche and its perfor- viced a s prescribed i n t h e W a r r a n t y a n d Main-
mance characteristics. Always drive within tenance Booklet provided to you at the time of
your own unique capabilities as a driver sale.
and your level of experience with your
Porsche. Ensure that anyone else driving Always carry your Warranty & Maintenance
your Porsche does the same. To prevent or booklet with you when you take your Porsche
minimize injury, always use your safety to an authorized dealer for service. It provides
belts. Never drink alcohol before or while your Service Adviser with the information he
driving. needs and enables him to record each ser-
This Owner's Manual contains a host of useful
information. Please read this manual before If you sell your Porsche, the Owner's Manual
you drive your new Porsche. Acquaint your- and the Warranty & Maintenance booklet
self with your car's features and know how to should be left in the vehicle to make all ope-
operate your Porsche more safely. The better rating safety and maintenance information
you know your Porsche, the more pleasure available to the next owner.
you will experience driving your new car.
I f you change your address o r i f y o u b o u g h t
A separate Warranty and Maintenance book- this Porsche used, be sure to send in a
let explains how you can keep your Porsche "Notice of Address Change"/"Notice of Used
in top driving condition by having it serviced Car Purchase" post card. This card can be
regularly. found in the Warranty & Maintenance booklet
or obtained from your Porsche dealer.
It also contains detailed information about the
warranties c o v e r i n g y o u r P o r s c h e . These war- It is in your own interest that we can contact W e wish you m a n y miles o f s a f e and pleasur-
ranties are: you, should the need arise, in case any able driving in your
"Warranty for new Porsche vehicles", "War- adjustments or modifications need to be
r a n t y against corrosion for n e w Porsche vehic- m a d e to your P o r s c h e to maintain its safety.
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