Washing and waxing
The paint on your Porsche is very durable but must be protected
from losing its luster due to outside influences. Therefore, wash
a n d w a x y o u r P o r s c h e often. T h e longer the dirt is l e f t on the paint,
t h e g r e a t e r the r i s k of d a m a g i n g the glossy finish, either by scratch-
ing if the dirt is rubbed into the paint, or simply by the chemical e f -
fect dirt particles have on the paint surface. Do not wash or wax in
direct sunlight Do no use hot water. Lukewarm to cool water is
kinder to the paint
P a m p e r your Porsche! W a s h it by hand! The mechanical brushes in
an Automatic Car Wash may not reach every angle of the vehicle,
and some tracks may cause damage to the underbody.
Use plenty of water , a car-wash and w a x solution and a soft sponge
or hose brush. Begin by spraying water over the dry surface to re-
move all loose dirt before applying the car-wash and wax solution.
Use plenty o f water to rinse the vehicle o f f . W i p e everything dry with
a chamois to avoid water spots.
To guard a gainst corrosion from the inside out, clean drain holes on
the bottom of doors, tail gates, hatches etc.after each washing.
Then wipe dry thoroughly. Also inspect all weatherstrips to make
sure they do not allow water to enter the body panels.
Do not aim the water jet directly a t door, hatch or rear lid locks. T a p e
the key holes to prevent waterfrom seeping into the lock cylinders.
W a t e r i n lock cylinders should b e r e m o v e d with compressed a i r . T o
p r e v e n t locks from freezing in the winter, squirt glycerin or lock de-
icer into the lock cylinders.
Do not use any solution that can damage the body paint
The underside of the vehicle picks up dirt and road salts used to
keep streets and highways free o f s n o w and ice. T o g u a r d a g a i n s t
corrosion, it is important to r e m o v e mud, debris a n d r o a d salt from
the underside with a powerful jet of water. Be sure to include the
wheel housings, bumpers, muffler, tailpipe and brackets. This
should be done twice a year and is best accomplished after the
vehicle has been driven through a heavy rain. Let engine and ex-
haust system cool down before washing.
Waxing is not really needed when you have used a car-wash and
wax solution. If you do not use a car-wash liquid with wax, apply
w a x to p r e s e r v e the n a t u r a l shine of the body p a i n t . To obtain a long
lasting finish, apply hard wax. Wax again if water remains on the
surface in large patches instead of forming beads and rolling off.
Care of the finish
Oils contained in the paint are the most important ingredients con-
tributing to the elasticity of the finish. B e c a u s e these oils diminish
gradually due to weather and similar causes, they must be reple-
nished through r e g u l a r and proper care of the finish. G i v e n proper
care, the original finish will r e t a i n its luster for m a n y y e a r s . A s k your
dealer for approved cleaning agents and p r e s e r v a t i v e s . T h e use of
polishes is recommended only after it becomes evident that the
normal preservatives no longer accomplish the job.
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