equal to the number of MIDI Channel.
In the
Mode, Poly 2 translates data received from MIDI Notes C through G and directs
them into the corresponding voices (no matter the octave).
This scenario works excellent for triggering drums from drum pads or drum triggers. When
Notes mode is selected – see “Notes” occur in the menu. In this setting, it’s possible to
indicate which voice is triggered with which MIDI note. By the default the first voice is set to
C, voice two is C#, voice three is D, voice four is D# etc.
Access and set the Glide parameter with the range from 0 to 500ms from the home screen.
Music scales
Thanks to the implemented musical scales filter, Poly 2 is able to output only the notes that
are within the selected scale. If the note is not in the scale, the system looks for the closest
note that fits. It might be helpful to achieve musical results without a degree in music
theory. See the list of available music scales in the appendix.
Custom CVs
Dependently from the number of selected voices, there are several configurable CVs at
disposal. To set them, go to “Custom CVs” menu and pick the desired output:
– MIDI Velocity is related to MIDI Note On message. Set which voice is related to
the selected Gate output here.
– There are two options:
Voice – assign the CC number (1-127) to a selected voice.
Channel – choose a particular CC number (1-127) for a selected MIDI channel (All, 1-16).