Framing the Camera
Positioning the Camera
A big part of using the equipment effectively is
framing the camera properly. The
videoconference should mimic a face-to-face
session as much as possible. Therefore make
sure the subject is framed in a head and
shoulders shot so the participating site(s) can
see the presenter or patient clearly.
Ideally when you frame the camera, visualize a
line dividing the monitor in half. The subject
face should be in the upper half of the screen
and the framing should be centered. The
subject’s face should be close enough that you
could recognize them on the street or bus.
However, if the camera framing is too close it
could make the person feel self-conscious. In
addition, if the framing is too close the subject
might move out of frame easier.
Lighting and Background
Always have a solid background behind you.
This could be a wall, door with no windows or a
covered window. In addition, ensure that you
have proper lighting so that you are seen
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