Polycom MGC/MGC+ Unified Conferencing Bridges
Solution Overview
Polycom, Inc. 4750 Willow Road, Pleasanton, CA 94588. 1.800.POLYCOM www.polycom.com
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It is possible to deploy a video network without an MGC/MGC+ conferencing bridge. However this starts to impose
serious limitations on the way in which voice and video conference calls are handled.
The MGC platforms are the only multipoint conferencing and gateway system on the market that offers full
transcoding of all call elements. This includes audio algorithms, video resolution, call speeds and frame rates. In
addition the transcoding is done with true translation between the different call elements rather than reducing them
back to the lowest common denominator.
The lack of MGC within a conference network also starts to impose serious restrictions on the way multipoint
conferences are defined and booked. No longer is it possible to have dormant meeting rooms that are activated
simply by calling them. Users now have to schedule a conference in advance either themselves or through an
administrator. In addition the conference will have to be defined in detail with respect to number of users, specific
start time and end time and call profiles. All the ease-of-use facilities that the unified conference suite provides such
as automatic conference extension and termination, undefined participant numbers and automatic speed detection
are no longer available. The lack of these facilities on a conference bridge would be classed by any user who has
previously experienced them as a step backwards in conference technology.
The ability to offer a single dial in number to all conferences, and simply attend the correct meeting by entering a
correct PIN code via DTMF tones, irrespective of media or network makes conference access simplicity itself.
No other solution on the market today combines such a powerful set of conference features with simple, easy to use
access and control.
For Polycom’s complete line up of conference network infrastructure products, please contact your Polycom
representative, or refer to the NSD (Network Systems Division) section on www.polycom.com.
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