Possible Cause
There is no audio
or the audio is
The audio levels
are too low.
Turn up the microphone level on the transmitter. The
target level mark on the transmitter is a good start.
Adjust the headphone level on the receiver and listen
to make sure the signal is transmitting.
Turn up the input levels on your camera, recording
device, or mixer.
The transmitter
and receiver are
set to different
Make sure the transmitter or handheld transmitter
and receiver are set to the same channel.
One of the units is
not turned on.
Make sure the transmitter, handheld transmitter,
receiver, and all other devices in your audio chain are
turned on and configured to the proper settings.
Too much
ambience is
being picked up.
When using an
microphone like
the PL-4 or PL-5
included with the
ULW-16 system,
the microphone
may be picking
up too much
Make sure the microphone is as close as possible to
the subject.
Approximately 6
(15.2 cm) from the subject is
usually good microphone placement, but you may
need to experiment.