The DOP-6001 Beam Smoke Detector is designed for smoke detection at the start of a fire. It is especially
suitable for protection of premises where, in the first phase of the fire, smoke appearance is expected and
in which, due to a large space area, installation of a greater number of spot smoke detectors would be
necessary. Beam smoke detectors (in comparison with spot smoke detectors) are sensitive to medium
smoke density value on a long path of the infrared radiation beam and therefore they are especially
suitable for application under high ceilings/roofs or in those places where smoke can be diffused over a
large area before detection.
Exemplary objects especially suitable for this type detector installation are: churches, cathedrals,
monumental buildings with valuable historic ceilings, theatres, sports halls, industrial shops, very high
rooms, in which spot detectors would be ineffective, and rooms with differentiated ceiling or roof design.
A distinctive feature of the DOP-6001 detector is its arrangement of a transmitter and a receiver in one
enclosure and interaction with a prism reflector or a reflector panel placed on the opposite wall. A single
casing embraces a laser target viewfinder that enables optical path axis alignment between the detector
and the reflector/reflector panel.
The DOP-6001 beam smoke detector is intended for installation in the POLON 4000 system fire detection
and alarm control panel lines. The detector operates in closed premises at ambient temperatures ranging
C to +55
C and relative humidity up to 95 % at 40
Operating voltage in a detection line
V ÷ 2
4.6 V
Max. current consumption in detection line
< 300
Detector address and sensitivity thresholds
programmable at control panel
Detector operating voltage in a conventional line
10.5 V ÷ 24.0 V
Quiescent current in a conventional line
5 mA or 2.2 mA depending on system
Alarm current at 20 V
20 mA
Current at light beam break
< 0.3 mA
Current at service signal
optics soiling
< 0.3 mA
Sensitivity thresholds (to be chosen)
18 %; 30 %; 50 %
Operating distance
with E39-R8 prismatic reflector (Fig. 6)
from 5 m to 50 m
with 4xE39-R8 reflector panel (Fig. 7)
from 50 m to 100 m
Detector angular tolerance
± 0.5 °
Reflector angular tolerance
± 5 °
Number of detectors in POLON 4000 addressable line
Number of detectors in one conventional line
Power supply of laser viewfinder (during alignment)
6F22 (9 V) battery
Operating temperature range
25 °C ÷ +55 °C
Admissible ambient relative humidity
up to 95 % at + 40 °C
129 x 80 x 84 mm
Mass (together with adjustment basis)
0.35 kg
Casing colour
white (other on request)
Suitability in test fire detection
TF1, TF2, TF3, TF4, TF5, TF7, TF8