c. While the Polaris is operating,
watch the randomizer ball (#7)
in the mechanism (#2). If it
does not move within two
minutes and the randomizer
tube (#8) is moving back and
forth, the mechanism will need
to be replaced.
5. Verify that the water pressure is
between 5 and 10 psi. A pres-
sure tester (part #6-113-00) is
available through your partici-
pating Polaris dealer.
Surface module dives under the
water or leans to one side.
1. Make sure the hoses are not
2. Hold the surface module out of the
water and drain. Shake the surface
module. If there is water sloshing in
the body bottom (#11), it will need
to be drained.
To drain the body bottom, discon-
nect both the float hose (#25)
and the sweep hose (#17) from
the surface module. Remove the
two phillips-head screws (#14) on
the bottom of the surface module.
3. Unscrew the pressure relief valve
(#27) until the holes are exposed.
Adjust it in or out until the surface
module levels off.
4. Verify that the water pressure is
between 5 and 10 psi. A pressure
tester (part #6-113-00) is avail-
able through your participating
Polaris dealer.
The float hose remains coiled.
1. See “Polaris does not clean entire
pool” on page 6.
2. Lay the float hose (#25) out straight
in the sun to remove the coils.
Surface module moves too fast.
1. Unscrew the pressure relief valve
(#27) until the holes are exposed.
Adjust it in or out until the surface
module slows down.
B. Troubleshooting Worksheet
If none of the troubleshooting solutions
worked, please fill in the following information
and either contact your participating Polaris
dealer or our Customer Service Department
at 1-800-VAC-SWEEP (USA and Canada
only) or (760) 599-9600.
In order to provide faster and more convenient
service, have the following information avail-
able at the time of your call or when taking the
Polaris in for service.
Serial #:
(See page 3 for the location of the serial #.)
Is the hose the proper length?
(See page 4.)
Length of the sweep hose:____________
Length of the float hose:______________
Is the filter connector clear of debris?
(See Solution 4b on page 6.)
Are there any broken tabs on the
2. Verify that the water pressure is
between 5 and 10 psi. A pressure
tester (part #6-113-00) is avail-
able through your participating
Polaris dealer.
Bag does not stay on the pool floor.
1. Check that the bag (#23) has been
installed correctly, see page 5.
2. The flow of water through the
Polaris 65 could be too high.
See “Surface module moves too
fast” above.
3. Check for air bubbles around the
jet body assembly (#18). If bub-
bles are present, there may be air
entering the plumbing line.
Contact a pool professional.