approximately one foot from the pool wall
when the pump is running.
D. Operation
When operating correctly, the surface module will
float level on the pool surface. It will change
directions approximately every 15-25 seconds.
As the Polaris moves randomly throughout the
pool, it recirculates clean, filtered water.
The filter bag should contact the pool floor a
majority of the time collecting dirt and debris. It
will remove debris as large as leaves or as fine
as sand. The Polaris 165 will vacuum and sweep
the pool in three hours or less.
The Polaris comes equipped with an automatic
pressure relief valve in the quick disconnect. If
the Polaris is receiving too much water pressure
it will release water at the quick disconnect.
Observe the movement of the surface module to
verify that the cleaner is not operating too fast.
The cleaner is operating too fast if the sweep
hose and bag are not in contact with the pool
bottom a majority of the time and the surface
module changes directions more frequently than
every 15 to 25 seconds. In this case, unscrew the
pressure relief valve until the surface module
slows down. For further information, please refer
to the Troubleshooting Section on page 6.
III. Maintenance
To ensure the Polaris is operating at its optimal
efficiency, it is important to empty the filter bag and
clean the filter screen on a regular basis. It is also
important to maintain a clean pool filter. A dirty
filter can result in sluggish or inefficient operation.
Make sure the Polaris 65 is disconnected from
the pool wall before cleaning and backwashing
the pool filter.
A. Emptying the Filter Bag
1. Turn off the pool pump. Push in on the but-
tons and slide the filter bag off the jet sweep
2. Turn the filter bag inside out over a trash can.
Reattach it making sure the frame of the filter
bag is completely open.
B. Cleaning the Filter Screen
Inside the quick disconnect there is a filter screen.
It acts as a safety filter to keep any debris that is
not caught by your pool filtration system out of the
Polaris. If the filter screen clogs often, consult
your pool professional.
Please Note:
Running the Polaris without the filter
screen can damage the Polaris.
To clean the filter screen, pull it out of the quick
disconnect. Rinse out the debris and press the
filter screen firmly back into place.
C. Backwashing the Pool Filter
Always disconnect the Polaris from the pool
wall before cleaning or backwashing the pool
filter. After cleaning or backwashing, let the
pool filtration system run for at least five min-
utes to flush out the return lines before
reconnecting the Polaris.
D. Storage and Winterizing
When storing the Polaris 65, remove the sweep
hose and float hose from the surface module. Also
remove the jet sweep assembly from the sweep
hose. Drain the surface module carefully. Turn it in
all directions to aid in the removal of the water.
Filter Bag
Jet Sweep Assembly
Quick Disconnect
Filter Screen