To manually scan for radio stations press the arrow buttons:
When you have found the sta=on you desire, press the arrow key to stop the search.
If you need to change the frequency one by one, hold one of the arrow keys down (long
press). You will now be able to scan the radio frequency one by one.
Once you have reached your desired station select a pre-‐set down the bottom of the
screen and hold down (long press) un=l it changes to your desired sta=on.
For a more in depth view at the radio features, please see page 20-‐21.
Date & Time
Select seQngs from the main menu.
Scroll down un=l you find date & time located under system seQngs.
If you are planning on always being connected to Wi-‐Fi via your mobile phone then you
can simply set the date and =me to Automa=c Date & Time and Automa=c Time Zone.