For customer service or support:
• Before installing the Polaris
cleaner, make sure the pool filter is clean.
• New plumbing lines should be flushed out before installing the cleaner.
• The cleaner should not be used to remove plaster dust in new pools.
• Except when checking the wheel RPM, do not handle the cleaner while it is operating.
• Always remove the cleaner before swimmers enter the pool.
• Disconnect the cleaner from the pool wall when cleaning or backwashing the pool filter.
• Always remove the cleaner from the pool before chemical shock treatments.
• After cleaning or backwashing, let the filtration system run for at least five minutes before
re-connecting the cleaner.
Before You Start: Important Information
Zodiac Pool Systems LLC
2620 Commerce Way, Vista, CA 92081
1.800.822.7933 | polarispool.com
Zodiac Pool Care Europe
Boulevard de la Romanerie -BP 90023
49180 St. Barthelemy d’Anjou cedex FRANCE
Zodiac Pool Systems Canada, Inc.
2-3365 Mainway, Burlington, ON L7M 1A6
1.800.822.7933 | ZodiacPoolSystems.ca
Zodiac Group Australia PTY, Ltd.
219 Woodpark Rd. Smithfield
NSW, 2164
1300 763 021 | Zodiac.com.au